The SAMS study
We are about ⅔ the way though the project which will run until September 2016. So far we have:
- Completed a requirements analysis study which explored people's concerns about monitoring their activity, security and privacy safeguards. We also tested user interface designs for feedback messages and how these should be presented.
- Designed the monitoring software. This has been implemented and tested. We are currently installing the SAMS software on personal computers of our research volunteers.
- Conducted a validation experiment in which we compared 30 healthy people with 30 people with mild cognitive impairment or early Alzheimer's disease. Computer logs and questionnaire tests are currently being analysed to check that the computer logs show differences in behavior that agree with questionnaire tests of cognitive behavior that are normally used for diagnosis.
We are currently designing the Data and Text mining software and carrying out preliminary analysis on the logging data from the longitudinal study which will run until August 2016.