About CL2001

Paper programme





Archived pages:

Location and
local arrangements

Style sheet and
poster guidelines


Final call for papers


With the support of:

Edinburgh University Press

Pearson Education


Lancaster University (UK), 30 March - 2 April 2001

Incorporating a celebration of the life and works of Geoffrey Leech, with invited talks from:

Prof. Douglas Biber - "Historical shifts in modification patterns with complex noun phrase structures: How long can you go without a verb?"
Prof. Jennifer Thomas - "Negotiating meaning: a pragmatic analysis of indirectness in political interviews"
Prof. Geoffrey Sampson - "Thoughts on Twenty Years of Drawing Trees"
Prof. Mick Short - "Style in Fiction and Non-fiction: A Corpus-based approach to Speech, Thought and Writing Presentation"

Corpus Linguistics 2001 was a forum for all concerned with the computer-assisted empirical analysis of natural language. Our definition of 'corpus' is broad, and we welcomed those working on substantial literary texts or other kinds of text collection as well as more 'traditional' corpus linguists.

Similarly, we wished to encourage further cross-fertilization between work occurring in language engineering (e.g. information extraction, parsing) and linguistics. We believe that corpus linguists should be aware of the latest developments in language processing. We also believe that language engineers should be aware of the findings and needs of corpus linguists.

The aims of Corpus Linguistics 2001 were:

1. to encourage dialogue between those working on similar issues in different languages and between areas with a (perhaps as yet untapped) potential to interact.

2. to encourage dialogue between researchers using corpora in linguistics and those using corpora in language engineering.

3. to celebrate the life and works of Geoffrey Leech.

Geoffrey Leech reaches 65 in 2001, and as part of the celebrations for this event, a special series of lectures was given during the conference by four invited speakers who have worked closely with Geoff at various stages in his career: Doug Biber, Jenny Thomas, Geoff Sampson and Mick Short.


Proceedings were produced from the conference. The proceedings contain 68 full papers and 30 abstracts (642 pages in total). The proceedings were available to participants during the conference, and are available following the conference as a UCREL technical paper (volume 13). The contents pages are available as a PDF file. Selected papers have appeared in an edited collection published (by Peter Lang) in honour of Geoffrey Leech.

Wilson, A., Rayson, P. and McEnery, T. (eds.) (2003) Corpus Linguistics by the Lune: a festschrift for Geoffrey Leech. Peter Lang, Frankfurt. (Volume 8 in the Lodz studies in Language Series edited by Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, B. and Melia, P. J.) ISBN 3-631-50952-2
For further details, see the contents list on the UCREL website.

Wilson, Rayson, McEnery (2003)
A futher set of papers reflecting the rainbow of languages represented by presentations at the conference have been published (by Lincom) in a second volume:
Wilson, A., Rayson, P. and McEnery, T. (eds.) (2003) A Rainbow of Corpora: Corpus Linguistics and the Languages of the World. Lincom-Europa, München. ISBN 3 89586 872 8. Linguistics Edition 40. 174 pp.
For further details, see the contents list on the UCREL website or on the Lincom website. Please note we have not so far received offprints or book copies from Lincom despite repeated requests.

Proceedings errata

There was a technical problem with the conversion of Julia Lavid's paper from Word to PDF. A corrected version appears here: PDF version

Deadlines and important dates

Deadline for abstracts: 1 December 2000

Proposers notified of acceptance of workshops: 8 December 2000

Authors notified of acceptance of papers: 15 December 2001

Deadline for full papers (for proceedings): 13 February 2001

Registration deadline: 22nd February 2001

Conference committee

Local committee

Tony McEnery (Lancaster University)
Andrew Wilson (Lancaster University)
Paul Rayson (Lancaster University)

General committee

Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk (Lodz University)
Jock McNaught (UMIST)
Charles Meyer (University of Massachusetts, Boston)
Ruslan Mitkov (Wolverhampton University)
Wolf-Dieter Syring (Greifswald University)


Programme Committee
Corpus Linguistics 2001
Department of Linguistics and MEL
Lancaster University
Lancaster LA1 4YT

Tel: +44 1524 593024
Fax: +44 1524 843085
E-mail: cl2001@comp.lancs.ac.uk or mcenery@comp.lancs.ac.uk