Corpus Linguistics 2001: Style Sheet
Any substantial deviations from the following may result in your paper
being sent back to you for correction, and, if already submitted close
to the deadline, possibly to exclusion from the conference proceedings.
All papers are to be sumitted as IBM-PC Windows-compatible wordprocessor
files. They should be in the region of 8-10 (A4) pages long.
The conference proceedings will be produced using Word for
Windows. If in doubt about compatibility, send your paper as RTF.
Word for the Mac, and plain text formats are also acceptable.
Other formats - especially (La)TeX files - will NOT be accepted.
You may send your paper by e-mail to
or on a 3.5" floppy disk.
- The A4 pages should be set in single column format with 1 inch (2.54 cm)
margins top and bottom, and 1.25 inch (3.17 cm) margins on
the left and right.
Font: Use Times New Roman. Main text should be in 10
point type.
Title, authors and affiliations: Use 12 point type and mixed case.
In the title, only capitalize the first word and any proper names.
Longer quotations: Use 8 point type and indent by one tab either
side. Always give: author's name, year, and page number.
Footnotes: must be at the bottom of the page (not at the end of
the article) and numbered sequentially.
Sections of the article must be numbered sequentially starting with 1.
In section titles, only capitalize the first word and any proper names.
Use bold for titles of articles and section headings only. Italics can
be used in text for highlighting essential information.
Tables and diagrams must be numbered sequentially.
References should follow the following styles:
McEnery A, Wilson A 1996 Corpus linguistics. Edinburgh,
Edinburgh University Press.
Thomas J, Short M (eds) 1996 Using corpora for language
research: studies in the honour of Geoffrey Leech. London, Longman.
Chapters in edited books
Myers G, Hartley T 1990 Modelling lexical cohesion and focus
in naturally-occurring written texts: popular science articles and the
naive reader. In Schmitz U, Schutz R, Kunz A (eds), Linguistic approaches
to artificial intelligence. Frankfurt, Peter Lang, pp 201-42.
Knowles G 1995 Converting a corpus into a relational database:
SEC becomes MARSEC. In Leech G, Myers G, Thomas J (eds), Spoken English
on computer: transcription, mark-up and application. London, Longman,
pp 208-219.
Journal articles
Dunning T 1993 Accurate methods for the statistics of surprise
and coincidence. Computational Linguistics 19(1): 61-74.
Rayson P, Leech G, Hodges M 1997 Social differentiation
in the use of English vocabulary: some analyses of the conversational component
of the British National Corpus. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics
2(1): 133-152.
Proceedings (not in edited book form)
Brent M 1991 Automatic acquisition of subcategorization
frames from untagged text. In Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting
of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Berkeley, pp 209-214.
Beale, A 1989 The development of a distributional lexicon:
a contribution to computational lexicography. Unpublished PhD thesis,
Lancaster University.
Corpus Linguistics 2001: Poster guidelines
Authors of posters are asked to submit a paper for the proceedings
following the above guidelines. The poster to be displayed during the
conference should be no larger than A0 size (1188 x 840mm) and contain
an illustrated representation of the main points of the submitted paper. The
poster boards available will be 4x3ft (1220 x 915mm).