"A FUTURE MADE IN SCOTLAND." VOTE SNP FOR SCOTLAND VOTE SNP FOR SCOTLAND TO BECOME AN INDEPENDENT COUNTRY. OUR VISION "We will put the interests of the people of Scotland first, and protect public services like our cherished NHS." I believe people are crying out for principled leadership, which is prepared to argue for what it believes in. In this election, and in this manifesto, that is what the SNP is offering. Moderate left of centre policies to make life better for the people of Scotland. SNP MPs who will always put the interests of the people of Scotland first, and protect public services like our cherished NHS. And, at the core of what we offer, the belief that decisions about Scotland should be made in Scotland through independence. The Westminster system is broken, and for far too many people, the UK economy has failed. So at this election the SNP is putting forward a positive, optimistic and hopeful alternative to that broken system and that failed economy. The Tories have enforced deep spending cuts, they've imposed Brexit and have worsened the cost of living crisis. They need to go. But we have to take care about what replaces them - the answer is not more spending cuts. It is not more Brexit and it is definitely not more Westminster decision-making about Scotland. And yet that is what the Labour Party is committed to: cuts, Brexit and continued Westminster control. I honestly don't believe that's something Scotland can bear. Voting SNP is the best means of ensuring Labour are stopped from carrying out their cuts. SNP MPs will do all that they can to protect Scotland's NHS and act to stop further austerity being imposed by Westminster. But, however hard we work, the Westminster conspiracy of silence between Labour and the Conservatives on the cuts to come and on the damage of Brexit, demonstrates that decisions about Scotland's future should be taken in Scotland. In Government at Holyrood with limited powers and in line with our principles, we're helping with the cost of living through free prescriptions, all day off peak rail fares and free bus travel for young people. We've grown the economy faster, per head, than the UK, we have the best performing core A&E units in the UK, and we've built 40% more affordable homes per head than in England, and over 70% more than in Wales. With independence, all the key decisions over our economy, taxes, and spending will transfer from Westminster to Scotland. I have no doubt that everyone who lives in our wonderful, diverse country - whether they were born here, or have come from the rest of the UK or further afield - are the best people to make decisions about Scotland's future. So on Thursday, 4th July, to remove the Tories from office, to put the interests of Scotland first, and for a future made in Scotland, vote SNP. John Swinney MSP, Leader, Scottish National Party. OUR KEY "We will protect our NHS from the twin threats of Westminster privatisation and austerity." PLEDGES Deliver independence to strengthen our economy, tackle the cost of living, and bring about a fairer country. End 14 years of austerity, reversing deep damaging cuts to public services that have put real pressure on the money available for the NHS and schools. We will stand against the Westminster consensus on cuts. Rejoin the EU, reverse the damage of Brexit and re-enter the single market restoring free movement for EU citizens. Tackle the cost of living crisis by providing urgent support for household finances and reducing the impact of rising interest rates and inflation. Protect our NHS from the twin threats of Westminster privatisation and austerity. The UK Government should back our Bill to keep the NHS in public hands and boost NHS England funding by at least £16bn each year, providing an extra £1.6bn to NHS Scotland. Reverse the £1.3bn Westminster cut to our capital budget, to enable us to invest in new hospitals, schools, rail and road infrastructure and help to achieve net zero. Demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, release of hostages and ending arms sales to Israel. We call on the UK Government to immediately recognise Palestine as an independent state. Scrap the two child benefit cap, ending the unnecessary suffering caused by both the benefit cap on children and associated rape clause. Demand the devolution of new borrowing powers to invest in a just transition and that the new UK Government match our £500m Just Transition Fund for the North East and Moray to help build on the region's world-renowned expertise, create jobs, foster innovation and deliver a fair and managed transition to net zero. Legislate for an essentials guarantee ensuring that everyone can afford basic necessities like food and utilities. Support the abolition of the undemocratic House of Lords. Stand up for WASPI women by making sure the UK Government delivers full, fast and fair compensation for women who have been wronged by pension inequality. Devolve powers to create a bespoke migration system for Scotland that values those who decide to work, live, study and invest here and allows us to address our specific demographic and economic needs. Empower workers by scrapping exploitative zero hours contracts, banning callous 'fire and rehire' practices and repealing the Minimum Service Bill. Scrap the Rwanda scheme and stand firm against the demonisation of migrants. Tackle the drugs death crisis by taking a radical public health approach; decriminalising drugs for personal use and introducing a framework to allow Supervised Drug Consumption Facilities. Protect pensions by maintaining the triple lock and move to deliver a wellbeing pension. We will oppose any further increases in the state pension age. Scrap Trident and invest the money into conventional defence and public services. Increase maternity pay by bringing the UK into line with other European countries and promoting shared parental leave. Defend free university tuition in Scotland. The SNP is the only party that will protect students and defend free education, meaning graduates in Scotland are thousands of pounds better off. WHY "In an independent Scotland, decisions about Scotland will be made in Scotland, for Scotland." SNP General Election Manifesto 2024 INDEPENDENCE? Independence is a vital necessity for Scotland because decisions taken at Westminster have made life more difficult for people, families, communities and businesses across the country. Austerity has caused cuts to public spending, Brexit has wiped billions of pounds from our economy compared with EU membership and made the cost of living crisis worse by pushing up food prices and other household costs. The UK economy has delivered stagnant wages and, for typical households, low living standards compared with similar countries. Indeed, for far too many people the UK economy is broken and it is clear Westminster doesn't work for Scotland. It doesn't have to be that way. Independent countries comparable to Scotland like Denmark, Sweden and Ireland have used the decision-making powers of independence to create more successful countries. They enjoy higher national income per head and combine that with lower inequality than the UK. They have higher levels of productivity, which is the key driver of living standards, and lower levels of poverty. So why not Scotland? We have the resources, industries and talent to match that success. We have extraordinary energy resources, a world-class food and drink industry, brilliant tourism, financial services and creative industries and we are leading in cutting edge sectors such as satellite building. Independence is the means of addressing concerns over the cost of living and funding of the NHS. We believe the powers that come with independence are essential to building the stronger economy required to boost living standards and public services. The Scottish Parliament election of 2021 resulted in a clear majority of MSPs in favour of both independence and a referendum. People gave their democratic verdict. The UK Government, however, refused to cooperate with the Scottish Government to put that democratic mandate into effect. Given the UK is going so badly in the wrong direction it is more important than ever for the mandate won in 2021 to be respected. At this election we are asking you to vote SNP for an independent Scotland. If the SNP wins a majority of Scottish seats, the Scottish Government will be empowered to begin immediate negotiations with the UK Government to give democratic effect to Scotland becoming an independent country. It is through the power of democratic pressure that we will secure the right of people in Scotland to decide their future. DECISIONS MADE IN SCOTLAND, FOR SCOTLAND. 07 ENDING AUSTERITY "We will stand firmly against the Westminster consensus on continued cuts and demand increased investment in our vital public services." Scotland has suffered fourteen years of Tory imposed austerity. Simply put, this means Westminster Governments have chosen to repeatedly slash public spending when our NHS, schools and other public services desperately need investment. These cuts have stripped Scotland's budget of billions - disproportionately hurting the poorest and most vulnerable in society. Cuts are a choice. And both the Tories and Labour have chosen to continue with further cuts to public spending if elected. Unless they change their spending plans, the Institute for Fiscal Studies is clear there will be a staggering £18bn of cuts to public services. In stark contrast, the SNP Scottish Government has chosen to do all it can to mitigate these callous cuts but with limited economic and financial levers we are constrained in what we can do. Only independence can free Scotland from the brutal impact of Westminster cuts, invest properly in public services and unlock economic growth. Until then, SNP MPs will stand firmly against the Westminster consensus on continued cuts and demand increased investment in our vital public services. A FAIRER TAX SYSTEM Against a backdrop of biting austerity, we've delivered the fairest and most progressive income tax system in the UK - raising an additional £1.5bn to invest in our public services, fund fair pay deals for nurses and other public sector workers and support our economy. However, without the full powers of independence, we only have a very limited range of tax powers to work with. SNP MPs will demand the full devolution of tax powers to enable us to create a fairer system that protects public services and invests in our economy. With the devolution of National Insurance, we could ensure rates and thresholds fit our progressive income tax rates. With devolution of windfall taxation for companies operating in Scotland, we would be able to tackle the twin crises of cost of living and climate change while meeting the specific needs of Scotland. We believe it is only right that companies making excess profits shoulder the burden that families face, but that this must be a wider tax - balanced across companies - rather than the raid on the North-East of Scotland proposed by Labour and the Tories. With the full devolution of tax powers, we would crack down on tax avoidance and evasion and improve the transparency of tax paid by international companies to ensure that they make a proportionate contribution to tax revenues. Devolving road tax and fuel duty would allow us to develop a new approach to funding road travel that meets Scotland's needs. We believe it is wrong that suncream is subject to VAT, but caviar is not. We support the reform of VAT to address the current imbalances and to ensure that life saving products, like defibrillators, are as accessible and affordable as possible. We have already removed charitable rates relief from private schools in Scotland, and with full powers over VAT we would go further and end the exemption for private schools. To drive economic growth and help in our transition to net zero we would introduce a lower rate of VAT for hospitality and tourism sectors, address the imbalance in VAT rates in the construction sector to encourage the refurbishment and retrofitting of existing buildings and remove VAT from on-street electric vehicle charging. UNLOCKING INVESTMENT Decades of Westminster cuts have left infrastructure across the UK creaking. It is clear there is a need for more investment - not only to support the delivery of public services but also to grow the economy. The Tories in Westminster have set their fiscal rules to choke off borrowing for investment and cap welfare spending, creating a barrier to a pragmatic approach to deliver vital infrastructure projects. We have a much more ambitious vision for Scotland. We have already invested in key infrastructure projects like the Borders Railway and the Queensferry crossing and delivered over 128,000 affordable homes, but without a change in approach to fiscal rules we are reaching the limits of what can be done. The SNP is calling on the UK Government to scrap their fiscal rules and introduce new ones to allow greater investment in renewing infrastructure and services. The UK Government must abandon the current trajectory and recognise the value of investing in national infrastructure. Fiscal Rules We're proposing a sensible alternative, setting out three new fiscal rules to enable increased capital investment while instilling a new prudent approach to government finances: ● Public Sector Net Worth rule - recognising the value of investing in infrastructure and public sector assets, rather than just liabilities ● Upper limit on debt servicing costs - to allow explicit consideration of the sustainability of the stock of debt ● Three-year detailed spending plans - to support detailed planning and improve clarity for devolved administrations. "We will call on the UK Government to scrap their fiscal rules to allow greater investment in infrastructure and public services." PRIORITISING PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE Scotland's capital budget, which pays for our hospitals, roads and schools, has been hammered by successive Westminster Governments refusing to prioritise investment. Westminster's cuts to capital funding have disrupted longer term investment and, as a result, restricted the growth of the Scottish economy. In the UK Spring Budget, the Tories cut capital yet again, this time by almost 9% - or a cumulative loss of £1.3bn by 2027/28. This cut, coupled with sky high inflation, places unprecedented pressure on our infrastructure budget. It is vital that the UK Government at least reverse the £1.3bn cut to our capital budget, to enable us to invest in the new hospitals, schools, rail and road infrastructure we would like to see, and help to achieve net zero and secure the sustainable jobs we need for the future. Brexit has been a disaster for Scotland. Despite REVERSE voting overwhelmingly to remain within the EU, we have been dragged out against our will and are powerless to escape the consequences. Brexit has wiped billions of pounds from the Scottish economy, pushed up prices on food and services and hit hard our ability to fund vital public services such as the NHS. We have lost access to one of the world's most sophisticated and integrated international justice and crime-fighting ecosystems, red tape is exacerbating medicine shortages, and the end of freedom of movement has made it much harder to recruit staff to work in our NHS, social care and other vital sectors. SNP General Election Manifesto 2024 BREXIT The Tories and Labour don't want to talk about what we've lost, or how much worse off we are "We will champion with Brexit. But ignoring Brexit is ignoring the cost of living, the economy and, fundamentally, our vision for the views of Scotland. These Brexit harms will continue no matter an independent who is in charge at Westminster. Scotland in the EU." We want a different future. One where decisions are made in Scotland, for Scotland. The SNP is the only party offering people Rejoining the EU would deliver: in Scotland that opportunity - and the choice of a better future. ● Freedom of movement to live, visit, study and work freely in any EU country We will champion our vision for an independent ● Cheaper and quicker trading for business Scotland in the EU, offering Scotland the ● More funding for farming, fishing and opportunity to regain what has been lost as other rural sectors a result of a hard Brexit and harness the ● Access to workers from across the EU, opportunities that independence would provide. enabling many of our industries to grow ● Re-entry to the Erasmus+ scheme, widening educational opportunities for Scotland's future generations ● A safer Scotland, working closely with police in the EU to help fight cross border crime, serious organised crime, cyber crime and terrorism ● Access to the Creative Europe scheme, supporting culture sector cooperation and boosting economic potential of our creative industries DECISIONS MADE IN SCOTLAND, FOR SCOTLAND. 13 TACKLE THE COST OF LIVING CRISIS "We will push for the fundamental change that is needed to tackle the cost of living crisis and improve living standards for all." SNP General Election Manifesto 2024 Reckless Tory economic mismanagement has resulted in spiralling interest rates, sky high energy costs, increased mortgage payments and left people struggling to pay their bills. Despite limited powers, the SNP Scottish Government is doing all it can to support people through the Westminster-made cost of living crisis. How has the SNP Scottish Government supported households? ● Protected free prescriptions, personal care and eye tests for all ● Expanded free childcare, saving families £5,500 annually ● Extended free school meal provision and cancelled school meal debt ● Increased the Scottish Child Payment to £26.70 per child per week ● Frozen Council Tax across Scotland ● Mitigated the UK Government's bedroom tax in full, supported people with housing costs and introduced temporary rent cap controls ● Provided free bus travel for over 60s and under 22s - over 2.2 million people ● Removed peak fares from our railways, saving commuters as much as £26.20 per return journey With the full powers of independence we could do much more but until then, to relieve the immediate pressure on households, SNP MPs at Westminster will: ● Demand an essentials guarantee, ensuring that, at a minimum, everyone can afford basic necessities like food and utilities ● Call for a statutory social tariff for energy, broadband and mobile charges for all who need one ● Press for a significant cut in standing charges for all and removal of standing charges for anyone with a prepayment meter ● Push for an annual uplift of Local Housing Allowance, whilst ensuring rental costs are taken into account ● Call for a combination of the Warm Home Discount and Energy Company Obligation to create a single, flexible fuel poverty scheme in Scotland - one that better reflects our definition of fuel poverty and supports our most vulnerable ● Introduce a fair energy pricing and rebate scheme for Highland and Islands residents, offering financial relief and offsetting the higher per-unit costs of electricity those residents currently face ● Reintroduce a simplified Help to Buy ISA scheme to help first time buyers But we believe that more fundamental change is needed to tackle the cost of living crisis and improve living standards for all. Shockingly, recent analysis showed this generation of young people is set to be the first in living memory to be worse off than their parents. That is not the future we want for our young people. With independence we can reverse Brexit and austerity which are making the cost of living more expensive and have been imposed upon us against our will. Our vision is of an independent Scotland, where decisions are made in Scotland, for Scotland, and where we can match, and indeed exceed, the economic success and living standards of neighbouring European countries. DECISIONS MADE IN SCOTLAND, FOR SCOTLAND. 15 DEFENDING SCOTLAND'S PARLIAMENT AND YOUR RIGHTS SNP General Election Manifesto 2024 Scotland is a proud, democratic nation. From the independence referendum with record high levels of engagement, to introducing a fairer electoral system and extending the right to vote, we have taken important steps to advance democracy and human rights. In stark contrast, Westminster has launched repeated attacks on our democracy, undermining the Scottish Parliament, something the people of Scotland voted overwhelmingly for, with something they voted overwhelmingly against - Brexit. There is a long-standing convention that Westminster should not pass laws in devolved areas without the consent of Holyrood. But, since Brexit, we have seen a complete disregard for Scotland's democratic institutions, resulting in 12 occasions where the views of the Scottish Parliament have been overridden. And they have gone further. The UK Internal Market Act reduces the powers of the Scottish Parliament and allows the UK Government to override our democracy at a stroke. And, the Tories have taken the unprecedented step of blocking legislation passed by Scotland's Parliament - on a cross party basis - setting a dangerous, anti-democratic precedent. Now the UK is even threatening to prevent Scotland from promoting our country, our culture and inward investment into our economy to countries overseas. Scotland deserves so much better. The SNP Scottish Government has a clear mandate to offer the people of Scotland a choice over our future, the choice to become a fairer, democratic, independent nation. And given the state of the broken Westminster system, it is critical that the next UK Government respects that mandate. The SNP is the only party who will protect Scotland's parliament, democracy and crucially give people the right to decide their own future. DECISIONS MADE IN SCOTLAND, FOR SCOTLAND. 17 PUTTING SCOTLAND'S INTERESTS FIRST PROTECTING SCOTLAND'S NHS Our NHS is our most cherished public service. Under the SNP, funding for Scotland's NHS has more than doubled and NHS staffing is at a record high - with far more doctors and nurses per head in Scotland than south of the border. When it comes to investment and improvement in our NHS, we're determined to go further - including investing £300m to drive down waiting times - but we are doing that with one hand tied behind our back by Westminster. SNP MPs will demand that the UK Government: Protect the NHS from Westminster privatisation through our 'Keep the NHS in Public Hands' Bill. Further privatisation must be ruled out and the new UK Government should commit to back our Bill, ensuring the health service is fully protected as a publicly owned and operated service. The Bill will stop any UK government undermining the principles and protections of the NHS as part of any future trade deals. Boost NHS spending by a minimum of £10bn extra each year to address rampant inflationary pressures and improve performance. This investment into NHS England would generate an additional £1bn annually for NHS Scotland to help meet increasing demand. Match Scotland's NHS pay deals by increasing investment in NHS England staff pay and conditions of at least £6bn. This would deliver around £600m for Scotland that we could invest in pay deals for our hardworking NHS staff. Combined with our calls for additional investment to improve performance, this £16bn funding boost would generate £1.6bn annually for Scotland's NHS. Standing up for our workforce. SNP MPs will call for the reversal of recent moves by the Tories to stop care workers from overseas bringing their families with them to work in the UK. Without these vital workers coming to care for our loved ones, we will see shortages increase further and the most vulnerable in our society suffer. SNP General Election Manifesto 2024 BUILDING A FAIRER, GREENER ECONOMY A green energy powerhouse Scotland is an energy-rich nation but without the full powers of independence we cannot fully harness the opportunities our vast renewable energy sources provide. We will demand the devolution of powers over energy regulation, pricing and production to ensure that our natural energy resources are used to best serve the needs of the Scottish people. Scotland has won the energy lottery not once but twice - but instead of benefiting Scotland's interests, our energy resources have bankrolled successive UK Governments. Scotland as a whole should see far more of that benefit, but we also believe the local communities who house the infrastructure - like pylons and wind farms - should get a much greater degree of benefit. Devolution allows us very few mechanisms via the planning system to deliver increases in community benefit. Therefore, it is vital the UK Government devolves the powers to us, so that wherever there is a significant investment, we can ensure our communities feel the benefit. With full powers, we could make changes to the electricity grid system that currently holds back the development of renewable energy in Scotland, including reducing fees for Scottish producers to connect. Until we have those powers, it is crucial that the UK Government steps up. The UK Government must invest at least £28bn a year in the green economy to deliver a step change in public and private investment in net zero and major investment in the domestic supply chain. As part of this investment, the UK Government should seek an equity stake in future energy projects. The return on this investment for the taxpayer will be used to directly benefit the Scottish people by protecting jobs, growing the green economy and lowering energy bills. DECISIONS MADE IN SCOTLAND, FOR SCOTLAND. 19 BUILDING A FAIRER, GREENER ECONOMY Under the SNP, Scotland's economy is already one of the best performing parts of the UK with both GDP per head and productivity growing faster in Scotland than the UK as a whole. But we want to go further. Our commitment to tackling the twin crises of climate change and nature loss is unwavering and we believe emissions reduction and economic prosperity go hand in hand. We want to share in the enormous economic opportunities of the global transition to net zero. SNP MPs will demand the UK Government: Bring forward an immediate emergency budget following the election to reverse cuts to public spending and deliver meaningful investment in economic growth, including green energy. Work at pace with the Acorn Project and Scottish Cluster to secure the fastest possible deployment following the UK Government's failure to support the Acorn carbon capture, utilisation and storage project at track 1. Urgent clarity is required to restore investor confidence, boost economic opportunities and make progress against our net zero obligations. Modernise the Contracts for Difference scheme to enable the stable deployment of Scotland's renewable energy pipeline. Take an evidence-based approach to oil and gas. The UK Government is the decision-maker on new oil and gas licences. We believe any further extraction must be consistent with our climate obligations and take due account of energy security considerations. Decisions must be made on a rigorously evidence-led, case-by-case basis, through a robust climate compatibility assessment. Support the North East and the Just Transition. North Sea oil and gas is naturally declining, and as the transition to new industries gathers pace, we are clear that the workers, families and people of that industry and the North East must not be abandoned. We are supporting them with the £500 million North-East Transition Fund - a fund the UK Government must now at least match. Deliver a sustainable future for Grangemouth. The future of the Grangemouth complex must be secured and a just transition delivered for the workforce. The UK Government must recognise the importance of the whole site to Scotland's economy and communities and must invest in a sustainable future. Time is needed to unlock the significant opportunities for green industries of the future and it is important that the skilled workforce is retained, by extending refining for as long as possible, while that happens. Only in this way, can as many jobs as possible be protected and the transition made to working on the new, greener technologies that offer a long-term future for the site.. Rule out new nuclear power plants in Scotland. The SNP believe the best pathway to net zero and secure, affordable and clean energy is through significant growth in renewables, storage, hydrogen and carbon capture. Promote Scotland's hydrogen export potential. Scotland is well placed to supply significant amounts of hydrogen to continental Europe. SNP MPs will press for the UK Government to secure progress with direct interconnection between Scotland and the continent, and regulatory agreement to unlock Scotland's renewable potential. SNP General Election Manifesto 2024 Ban new coal licences. Follow the SNP Scottish Government's lead and commit to no support for new coal mines, which would undermine our action to reach net zero. Provide fair funding for climate. Scotland has over two thirds of the UK's peatland, and currently plants over 60% of trees in the UK, yet funds restoration and planting within our budget, with no help from the UK Government. Westminster must ensure fair funding flows to devolved nations to enable our, and their, climate ambition given that for the whole of the UK to reach net zero by 2050, Scotland must do so by 2045. Establish a Four Nations Climate Response Group to agree climate plans across the UK that deliver on our net-zero targets and ensure the UK Government stops backtracking on climate ambition. Devolve powers to create a bespoke migration system for Scotland that values those who decide to work, live, study and invest here and allows us to address our specific demographic and economic needs. Introduce a rural visa pilot scheme. Scotland should have full powers over immigration, including the devolution of overseas workers' employment visas. Until then, it is vital the UK Government acknowledges the distinct demographic challenges we face in Scotland and introduce a pilot to mitigate against labour shortages as a result of a hard Brexit and hostile immigration policies. Mitigate the harm of Brexit on productivity by reviewing immigration rules and expanding shortage occupation lists, so businesses have access to the workforce they need. Provide sustainable funding for farming. Despite numerous requests, Scotland has had no commitment from Westminster on any future funding for farming after 2025. The UK Government must increase funding for farming - to at least pre-Brexit levels - and provide certainty through multi-annual funding frameworks. Agree a veterinary agreement with the EU to ease exports and imports. Give Scotland our rightful share of marine funding. Scotland has 63% of UK fishing waters and over 90% of aquaculture production but, since Brexit, Westminster has shortchanged funding for innovation and investment - allocating only £14m directly, instead of the £62m we were entitled to. The UK Government must give Scotland our rightful share of marine funding - and provide certainty through multi- annual funding frameworks. Prioritise Scotland's unique fishing needs. The Tories' post-Brexit trade agreement with the EU has created a £281 million shortfall in quota value and threatens a key export market for Scottish salmon after 2026. Only with independence will we get the change Scotland's seafood sector really needs. Until then, to protect our interests, we will press for real and meaningful engagement for Scotland through the upcoming review of the trade agreement and continue to call for our fair share of quota through a shift to zonal attachment. Prioritise research and investment in Artificial Intelligence to capitalise on the technological revolution and ensure its full potential is maximised in supporting our public services in a way that is open, ethical and transparent. DECISIONS MADE IN SCOTLAND, FOR SCOTLAND. 21 A CLEANER, GREENER TRANSPORT SYSTEM Under the SNP huge improvements have been made to our transport system. We've scrapped bridge tolls, invested over £11bn on rail infrastructure, brought Scotland's railway into public hands and removed peak fares, provided free bus travel to 2.2 million people and completed the Queensferry crossing on time and under budget. But our ambition is constrained by resources and powers controlled by Westminster. SNP MPs will call for the UK Government to: Transfer full powers for complete integration of track and train to Scotland - a fully devolved railway, including full ownership and powers over Network Rail Scotland and with powers for permanent public ownership of rail services to best serve Scotland's passengers, communities and economy. Promote a fair and affordable transition to zero-emission transport fuels and ban the import and sale of new, non zero-emission buses by 2025. The UK Government must also fully support the production and use of sustainable bridging fuels in the maritime and aviation sectors. Strengthen incentives to purchase cleaner vehicles. Following the example of France, the UK Government should establish a new Low Income EV Car Leasing Fund, backed up by at least £500m, to enable 50,000 EV leases a year to benefit low income families. Invest in safer roads. Reducing road traffic is key to cutting emissions, but in a rural and sparsely populated country, not everywhere and everyone can be expected to make the same changes at the same time. It is vital that we ensure roads are as safe, reliable and resilient as possible. We are committed to dualling the A9 in full between Perth and Inverness and improving the A96, including dualling Inverness to Nairn and the Nairn Bypass. We will press the UK Government to fulfil their commitment to fund improvements to the A75. BROADCASTING Broadcasting is a crucial platform to showcase Scottish life and culture, but with power over broadcasting reserved to Westminster we are restricted in our ability to ensure it better reflects the needs and priorities of Scottish audiences. SNP MPs will call for the UK Government to: Devolve broadcasting powers to enable broadcasters who have a public service remit to better meet the interests of Scottish audiences. Support increased investment in Scottish broadcasting. Until devolved, we will continue to push all public service broadcasters to invest a far fairer share of spending on production in Scotland. Give Gaelic broadcasting a statutory parity of esteem with Welsh language broadcasting. The UK Government must rectify the disparity between Gaelic and Welsh language caused by the recent Media Bill and ensure proportional funding for BBC Alba. Include major Scottish national team matches on the list of sporting events for free-to-air channels, ensuring no financial detriment to the game while guaranteeing parity of access for all. SNP General Election Manifesto 2024 STANDING UP FOR WORKERS Years of attacks on workers' rights have shown that Westminster is not working for workers. With independence we can guarantee the rights of working people in Scotland are protected and strengthened. Until then, it is vital Scotland has strong SNP voices at Westminster to stand up for workers. SNP MPs will demand that the UK Government: Devolve employment rights and the minimum wage so that we can scrap exploitative zero hours contracts, ban 'fire and rehire' practices and take action to close the gender pay gap. We would increase the minimum wage to at least the level of the national living wage and increase in line with inflation, and end age discrimination of pay levels. Amend the definition of worker to strengthen protections for those with unfair contracts by creating a single status of "worker" for all but the genuinely self-employed. CREATING A JUST AND HEALTHIER SCOTLAND While Westminster governments prioritise tax cuts for the wealthy, the SNP Scottish Government is focussed on mitigating the cruel policies inflicted on the poorest in our society - investing around £3bn a year in helping tackle poverty and the impacts of the Westminster made cost of living crisis. Within our devolved powers, we are delivering 14 benefits - 7 of them brand new and only available in Scotland. Our game changing Scottish Child Payment now sits at £26.70 per Scrap the sick pay threshold to ensure lower paid workers have access to statutory sick pay and scrap the four day waiting period to allow those who need financial support through illness to access it sooner. Increase paid maternity leave to one year, with maternity pay set at 100% of average weekly earnings for the first 12 weeks, then 90% for 40 weeks or £185.00, whichever is lower. The UK Government should increase shared parental leave from 52 to 64 weeks, with the additional 12 weeks to be the minimum taken by the father on a 'use it or lose it' basis, in order to encourage an increase in shared parental leave. Protect the right to strike. SNP MPs will demand the next UK Government stand with workers and repeal the Strikes (Minimum Services Levels) Act. Instead, they should learn from the recent success of the Scottish Government and resolve industrial disputes through constructive negotiations. SNP MPs have long called for the repeal of the Trade Union Act 2016, and we will continue to press the UK Government to do so without delay. child a week and is lifting thousands of children out of poverty. The UK Government should take complimentary action to help the Scottish Government fulfil its mission to eradicate child poverty. While we do all we can to lift people out of poverty, it is clear that Westminster control holds us back. With the powers of independence, Scotland could unleash its full potential and build a better, fairer society. We will continue to call for the full devolution of social security powers so that we can put those foundations in place. Until then, SNP MPs will call for the UK Government to: DECISIONS MADE IN SCOTLAND, FOR SCOTLAND. 23 Scrap the two child benefit cap and associated rape clause which has driven thousands of families into poverty and forced women to relive the trauma of rape in order to claim the support they, and their children, need to live. Unlike Labour and the Tories, we stand firmly against this abhorrent policy and will continue to call for its abolition. End the young parent penalty in Universal Credit which sees under-25s receiving considerably less. Scrap proposed punitive welfare reforms for sick and disabled people which will take support away from some of the most vulnerable people in our communities, and halt DWP repayment demands on Carer's Allowance. Protect pensions by maintaining the triple lock and move to deliver a wellbeing pension. We will oppose any acceleration of planned changes or further increases in the state pension age. Stand up for WASPI women by pressing the UK Government to deliver full, fast and fair compensation for women who have been wronged by pension inequality. Reverse the cut to Pension Credit that means older couples in Scotland could be £7,000 worse off per year. Maximise Pension Credit uptake by following Scotland's lead and introducing a comprehensive benefit take-up strategy for all benefits. Provide full restitution for the victims of the Equitable Life scandal. It is time for the UK Government to end the delay and provide urgent funding to compensate in full those who saved diligently for retirement in good faith yet suffered serious losses through no fault of their own. Scrap the cruel bedroom tax which punishes people claiming Universal Credit or housing benefit if they have a spare room in their rented council or housing association home. Devolve Housing Benefit and Local Housing Allowance which will allow the Scottish Government to take an innovative approach to tackle child poverty, expand the delivery of social housing and to help fund and encourage investment in house building. Tackle the housing emergency caused by decades of Westminster underinvestment, a hard Brexit and a £1.3bn cut to the Scottish Government's capital budget from the UK Government. The UK Government must restore the cut to our Capital Budget. Protect the right to abortion. We are clear that all women should have access to abortion services in a timely and safe manner. The UK Government should follow Scotland's lead in reviewing the law on abortion to ensure that abortion is first and foremost treated as a healthcare matter. Provide justice for Infected Blood victims. We believe that compensation for victims of infected blood is long overdue and will work with the UK Government to ensure any compensation scheme works effectively for everyone who is infected or affected and is delivered without delay. Take a public health approach to tackle the drug deaths crisis, devolving powers to the Scottish Parliament so we can go further to reduce harm and improve lives in Scotland. We would decriminalise drugs for personal use and introduce a framework to allow Supervised Drug Consumption Facilities. SNP General Election Manifesto 2024 Reintroduce UK-wide legislation to create a smoke free generation and recommit to following the SNP Scottish Government's lead by banning single-use vapes. Treat problem gambling as a public health matter and take action to tackle the impacts of advertising. We believe a Gambling Levy is long overdue and the UK Government must act urgently to bring forward a levy without further delay. Introduce a RAAC Remediation Fund to ensure new capital money is made available to allow us to take any action that may be required to tackle the problem of ageing Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete in our public sector. Deliver justice for Post Office Horizon victims. It is vital that the UK Government pay compensation at pace to all sub postmasters who have suffered horrendous miscarriages of justice due to the failings of the Post Office Horizon IT system. The vast majority of payments should be made by the end of 2024. Refund the £175m in VAT owed to Scotland's emergency services so we can invest it in our vital emergency services. Introduce 'Martyn's Law' without delay to ensure venues and councils have preventative plans in place against terror attacks. Protect people, particularly children, by ensuring the Online Safety Act comes into force on time. SNP MPs will press the UK Government to ensure tech firms cannot escape their responsibilities for the content on their platforms through full enforcement of the Act and prompt strengthening of these laws when required. Introduce a right to consular assistance for British nationals including those who are stranded, imprisoned or who die overseas and to implement in full the recommendations of the 2019 All Party Parliamentary Group report on deaths abroad. DEFENDING DEMOCRACY AND HUMAN RIGHTS The SNP stands on a strong record of defending Scotland's democratic functions and institutions, and we will always stand up to promote and protect Scotland's democracy and make sure that the people of Scotland's voices are heard. SNP MPs will demand the UK Government: Give the people of Scotland a say on their future. Demand the permanent transfer of legal power to the Scottish Parliament to determine how Scotland is governed, including the transfer of power to enable it to legislate for a referendum. End Westminster's power grab by demanding the UK government repeal the reprehensible Internal Market Act. We are clear that UK ministers must not be able to act unilaterally across policy areas that are within devolved competencies, and will push for the Sewel Convention to be put on a proper statutory footing. Support abolition of the undemocratic House of Lords. Reform the voting system by replacing the first past the post system with the Single Transferable Vote. DECISIONS MADE IN SCOTLAND, FOR SCOTLAND. 25 Increase access to democracy by extending the voting age to 16, and eligibility to all residents, including all international students and those with refugee status, as is the case in Scotland. Scrap Voter ID. SNP MPs will continue to call on the UK Government to repeal the legislation and seek to rebuild trust in our democratic processes with voters. We will push for the introduction of automatic voter registration so that no-one needlessly misses out on their democratic right to vote. Respect international law and protect rights. Rather than rolling back on rights, we should be seeking to strengthen human rights protections for all. We will call on the UK Government to respect international law and strongly oppose any attempts by the UK government to withdraw the UK from the ECHR or change the Human Rights Act which is integral to the devolution settlement for the Scottish Parliament. Protect and enhance the rights of LGBTI community. The SNP has a proud record of advancing and championing LGBTI rights in government, and we will continue to build on this, working with LGBTI communities, to make Scotland a fairer and more equal place to live. With independence we would have the full powers to improve equality in law and society, and the ability to champion LGBTI equality internationally. Strengthen children's rights by demanding the UK Government follows Scotland's approach and incorporates the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into law, to take a maximalist approach to the protection of children's rights. Stand up for asylum seekers by scrapping the morally repugnant Rwanda scheme and continuing to strongly oppose no recourse to public funds. We will urge the UK Government to grant asylum seekers the right to work and fundamentally change their approach to housing asylum seekers, ensuring accommodation is safe, suitable and dignified. SNP General Election Manifesto 2024 SCOTLAND'S PLACE IN THE WORLD We want to see an independent Scotland take its place in the international community; alongside the 193 other United Nations member states, able to join the European Union, with the powers necessary to protect our citizens and prosper in the global economy. We are determined that Scotland plays a positive and progressive role in international affairs through action and leadership. SNP MPs will call on the UK Government to: Demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, release of hostages and end arms sales to Israel. We will continue to call on the UK Government to follow the lead of Ireland, Norway and Spain by immediately recognising Palestine as a state. We believe that recognising Palestine as a state in its own right is the only way to move towards a just and durable long-term peace, in the interests of both Palestinians and Israelis. Stand by Ukraine and continue to strongly oppose the Russian invasion. We will continue to support Ukrainians who have settled in Scotland and will press the UK Government to extend visa rights whilst the conflict continues. We will do everything in our power to see the restoration of peace and ensure Ukraine's sovereignty, democracy, independence and territorial integrity is maintained. We will continue to back military support from the United Kingdom to Ukraine and will press the UK Government to ensure the sanctions regime against Russia is effective. Scrap Trident and invest the billions spent funding these immoral weapons in public services, like our NHS and schools and adequately funding conventional defence. The SNP has never and will never support the retention or renewal of Trident, and will press the UK government to meet their international obligations on nuclear disarmament. Connect Scotland's diaspora across the globe by working with national and international partners to implement the Scottish Connections Framework. Agree an EU-wide youth mobility scheme. Despite the EU proposing a post-Brexit mobility scheme for young people, both the Tories and Labour rejected it within hours. The UK Government must stop failing young people and agree a scheme so that young people can benefit from the opportunities that living, working and studying in the EU can bring. Immediately restore and maintain the UK international aid budget to 0.7%. Increase investment into loss and damage. Scotland was the first developed nation in the world to commit funding to address loss and damage, sparking debate and showing global leadership. Since then, the global loss and damage fund has reached $700 million. Instead of following Scotland's bold leadership, the UK Government opted to repurpose existing funding. The UK Government must provide a new contribution to the new Loss and Damage Fund which is truly additional to existing commitments. DECISIONS MADE IN SCOTLAND, FOR SCOTLAND. 27 Strengthen Scotland's security by pushing the UK to focus on countering disinformation and misinformation, better protecting national critical infrastructure, improving supply chain resilience and strengthening the ability of the UK to rebound and rebuild from the aftermath of a shock or crisis. Raise the military recruitment age to 18. SNP MPs will urge the UK Government to phase out the recruitment of people under 18 in line with international standards. Prioritise the needs of our Armed Forces and Veterans community. We have long campaigned for an Armed Forces Representative Body to accommodate the wide range of needs, concerns, and identities within the Forces Community. We believe it is vital that the UK Government prioritise employment, social inclusion, health and wellbeing for veterans and their families. Support our veterans by following the approach of the SNP Scottish Government and ensure that the War Disablement Pension is exempt from the assessment of income for veterans who require social care services. Promoted by SNP 3 Jacksons Entry EH8 8PJ. Printed by Saltire 60 Brook Street G40 2AB