Manifesto for a Fairer, Greener Country RealChangeReal Change 2024 RealHope.Real Hope. RealChange.Real Change. RealHope.Real Hope. RealChange.Real Change. REALHOPE.REALCHANGE. The Green Party's Manifesto for a Fairer, Greener Country This general election is taking place during an ongoing cost of living crisis, in an increasingly volatile world. No wonder so many of us feel anxious and are losing hope in the future. We live in one of the richest countries on the planet, and yet nurses are using food banks, our children's schools are crumbling, a roof over our heads is all too often unaffordable, and a hospital appointment or a dentist is like gold dust. Our promise to you is that all this can change. We can create a greener, fairer country together - one in which we are all safer, happier and more fulfilled. It will take MPs prepared to make brave, principled choices on your behalf. And it will take the kinds of policies set out in this manifesto, and for which elected Green MPs will fight hard every single day for you. The election is also taking place against the background of a climate emergency. Since the last election, there have been an increasing number of days and months in which global temperature increases have breached 1.5oC, an increase that would make human life on earth unliveable. Despite commitments from the United Nations, national and local governments, corporations and individuals, greenhouse gas emissions are still rising. And our understanding of what this means is increasing too: we know that the social and economic impacts of climate breakdown are already being felt and will continue to be far worse than previously imagined. As a political party, we believe in offering hope. And we believe in following the science and speaking the truth, too. This manifesto sets out what we think is achievable given the failure of successive governments to prepare with anything like the urgency and ambition that climate scientists have been telling us is needed for decades. The current UK commitment to net zero by 2050 fails to reflect that we can - and must - do so much more. That we can and must make the right political choices in order to transition at speed to a decarbonised economy. One that's no longer in hock to the fossil fuel giants, but instead runs on clean, green and cheap renewables. An economy in which it's cheaper to heat our homes, to get out and about and to run a business. And this manifesto sets out too how fairness can and must run through every part of the change that's coming - from training the new workforce that will be needed to transform our economy, to investing in our vital public services, to lifting all of us up through a compassionate welfare system. The solutions to the climate crisis are the same as those needed to end the cost of living and inequality crises, making the future not just more liveable but fairer for us all too. Throughout this manifesto, you'll find examples of how climate action means better public services, warmer homes, stronger communities and a restored natural world. Voting Green on 4th July is your way of showing you believe in our shared future. We believe the ambitious plans we are outlining here are not just possible but essential. A Green vote is the only vote that counts if you want a secure and happy future on a safe planet. A Green vote means choosing real change and real hope. Carla Denyer & Adrian Ramsay Green Party Co-leaders green party co-leaders This manifesto is about the UK general election 2024, so references to 'country' refer to the UK as a whole, as do data cited, except where identified as relating to England only. However, where policy areas are devolved to the Scottish Parliament, Senedd Cymru, and the Northern Irish Assembly, we recognise the democratic right for these bodies to set their own policy agendas, and that these are decided upon at devolved elections. Wales Green Party will be publishing its own manifesto with more detail about its proposals in these areas. The Scottish Green Party is a distinct political party and its general election manifesto will reflect the devolved settlement. Contents Building a Fairer, Healthier Country 2 Caring with Fairness, Compassion and Dignity 5 Providing Fairer, Greener Homes for All 7 Powering Up Fairer, Greener Energy 10 Creating a Fairer, Greener Economy 13 Making Work Fair 17 Giving Everyone a Fairer, Greener Deal 19 A Fairer and Greener Approach to Public Finances 20 Bringing Nature Back to Life 23 Protecting Animals 25 A Greener and Fairer Food and Farming System 27 Creating a Fairer, Greener Education System 29 Investing in Fairer, Greener Transport 31 A Fairer, Greener Democracy 33 Sharing a Fairer, Greener Welcome 35 Access to Art, Sport and Culture for All 37 Bringing Justice to Crime and Policing 39 Building a Fairer, Greener, Safer World 42 Statistical Appendix 45 Notes 46 Vote Hope. Vote Change. Vote Green. 48 Building a Fairer, Healthier Country The NHS is facing the most serious crisis in its 80-year history. Our most precious national institution is at serious risk, with patients dying in ambulances, record waiting lists for surgery, and cancer survival rates amongst the worst in higher- income countries. It doesn't have to be like this. Greens would do things differently. We would choose to treat and pay nurses, doctors and NHS staff fairly, so we don't lose them overseas. We would increase taxes on the super-rich to fund our national health service properly. And we would fix the broken care system that's a major cause of problems for the NHS. The NHS crisis is not an accident: it is the result of deliberate Conservative under-funding that's seen the NHS undermined and at risk of collapse, paving the way for further privatisation. The Green Party has always proudly defended the NHS against creeping privatisation and we always will. We are committed to a fully public health service and to keeping the profit motive well away from our NHS. The Green Party is clear that NHS budgets should recognise the increasing demands of an ageing population and improving treatment options. Elected Greens will push for: • A steady reduction in waiting lists. • We would guarantee rapid access to a GP and same day access in case of urgent need. • Guaranteed access to an NHS dentist for everybody. • Boosting the pay of NHS staff. • Restoring local council budgets for public health. Building a Fairer, Healthier Country We estimate that to meet these commitments, the NHS in England would require additional annual expenditure of £8bn in the first full year of the next parliament, rising to a total of £28bn in 2030. We also estimate that additional capital spending of at least £20bn is needed in total over the next five years. A Green Plan to reduce hospital waiting lists The long-term under funding of the NHS has left 6.3 million of us on hospital waiting lists.. We would bring down hospital waiting lists by giving Hospital Trusts clear, long-term, funding commitments, so that they can better plan to deliver better care for us all. NHS staff have taken unprecedented strike action to raise the alarm about the crisis in our health service. We will prioritise supporting NHS workers, including by providing an immediate one-off budget increase to cover fair wage settlements. We would invest £20bn in NHS budgets over the life of the parliament for hospital building and repair. Elected Greens will choose to restore the NHS to health and will ensure that everybody has access to the healthcare they need, when they need it. Protect our NHS from privatisation - keep our NHS public Green MPs will back the NHS Reinstatement Bill to abolish wasteful competition within the NHS, reestablish public bodies and public accountability, and restrict the role of commercial companies. This blueprint is designed to reverse the damage caused by previous governments that have pursued an agenda that the market could make the NHS better. By contrast, Greens will always stand against the marketisation and privatisation of our precious health service and will choose instead to protect our NHS and keep it in public hands. A Green Plan for increased investment in primary care and public health We think it's vital to invest in primary care: General Practitioners (GPs) are key to both prevention and early diagnosis. The contact GPs have with patients can make a real difference - helping maximise public investment and ensure we all stay healthier for longer, through timely access to diagnosis and to the best and latest treatment. Choosing to invest in primary care and public health will improve everyone's quality of life, while also reducing the demand on the rest of the NHS. Elected Greens will push for: • Increasing the allocation of funding to primary medical care, with additional annual spending reaching £1.5bn by 2030, targeted at areas of greatest need. • Reducing the administrative burden on GPs, giving them more time face to face with patients. Steps could include allowing hospital doctors to make onward referrals without needing to go back to a patient's GP. • A £2bn capital investment in primary care over the next five years. We would also seek to expand diagnostic capacity in communities. This would help to ensure people are diagnosed early and have more chance of a positive outcome. Elected Greens will push for: • Public health to be a cross-government priority. • Restoring public health budgets to 2015/16 levels with an immediate increase of £1.5bn. Smoking cessation, drug and alcohol treatment and sexual health services all need to be properly funded. • A cross-governmental approach to health. There are a range of interventions across this Manifesto that support healthier lives, from improved food labelling, free school meals, active travel and local government investment in sport. • A National Commission to agree an evidenced based approach to reform of the UK's counterproductive drug laws. This will allow the UK to move towards a legally regulated market that stops criminal supply and profiteering, and that reduces harm including by preventing children accessing drugs. NHS Dentistry Successive governments have failed to properly fund NHS dentistry, expecting dentists to treat patients at a loss. This choice is one of the reasons for the scandals of patients pulling out their own teeth and of so many children being unable to access a dentist that tooth decay is now the top reason for child hospital admissions. Elected Greens will push for a new contract for NHS dentists that ensures everybody who needs an NHS dentist has access to one. Additional investment in NHS dentistry, reaching £3bn a year by 2030, would transform the availability of appointments and end the scandal of dental treatment deserts. Elected Greens will campaign for funding to allow community hubs and primary care to provide a roll-out of free dental nursing for children and those on low incomes. This model would deliver preventative work and make referrals into NHS care pathways following oral health checks. Building a Fairer, Healthier Country Investing in and supporting our health workers We will tackle the crisis in staff retention through pushing for an immediate and additional increase to the budgets for NHS staff costs, to ensure salaries are fair and reflect the essential skills and dedication of the NHS workforce. Elected Greens will support the junior doctors' call for pay restoration. It's foolish and irresponsible to continue to invest hundreds of thousands of pounds in training and then pay them so poorly. We need to value junior doctors, so they stay in the NHS and make it stronger. We cannot allow NHS salaries to decline further: NHS professionals are vital to a healthy and happy society, and we should value them with pay and conditions to reflect this. National Cancer Plan We will commit to a National Cancer Control Plan to include: • Reducing cases through investment in public health measures, such as interventions on food, alcohol and tobacco. • Meet the existing NHS target of 75% of cases diagnosed at stage 1 or stage 2 by 2028 though investment in primary care and enhanced screening. • Using the unique information the NHS has, as a public health system that cares for us from cradle to the grave, to deliver treatment through publicly funded research. Mental health Elected Greens will ensure that the rights of those struggling with their mental health are respected and that a legal framework supports all people to live fulfilling lives. Elected Greens will focus on enabling major improvements to mental health care to put it on a truly equal footing with physical health care. This will include ensuring that everyone who needs Building a Fairer, Healthier Country it can access evidence-based mental health therapies within 28 days. We will ensure that tailored and specific provision is readily available for the particular needs of communities of colour, children and adolescents, older people and Lesbian, Gay Bisexual, Trans, Intersex, Queer and Asexual (LGBTIQA+) communities. We will also push for more accessible and prompt mental health needs assessments for children and adolescents. The investment in primary care set out above will create easier access to these services in all communities. We will ensure that neurodivergent children and those with special needs are adequately supported, including in the school system, to live rich and fulfilling lives. We will provide a trained and paid counsellor in every primary and secondary school, and every sixth-form college. This work will be supported through bursaries to train counsellors from underrepresented backgrounds to ensure we have sufficient culturally aware counsellors for our diverse population. Assisted dying Elected Greens will back changing the law on assisted dying. We support a humane and dignified approach to terminal illness, allowing people to choose to end their lives to avoid prolonging unnecessary suffering, if this is their clear and settled will. Proper safeguards would need to be put in place. End new cases of HIV by 2030 Elected Greens will work towards no more HIV transmissions by 2030, advocating for a joined-up approach using proven actions, including access to the HIV prevention pill online, in pharmacies and from GP services. We will renew successful opt- out HIV testing programmes in A&Es in all areas with a high prevalence of HIV. Caring with Fairness, Compassion and Dignity There is a crisis in social care, with over 400,000 people awaiting care, reviews, payments or assessments. There are 150,000 staff vacancies in the care sector. In England there are estimated to be 4.7 million unpaid carers. The failure by successive governments to address this crisis has created problems for our health service more widely. Greens believe that health and care services go hand in hand. We would choose to invest in both, as part of our commitment to a country where everybody can look forward to compassion and dignity at any stage in their lives when they need extra support. To address the social care crisis elected Greens will push for: • Free personal care to ensure dignity in old age and for disabled people. • Increased pay rates and a career structure for carers to rebuild the care workforce. • Investment of £20bn per year. Free personal care The Green Party believes free social care is fundamental to a functioning welfare state. Elected Greens will push for the introduction of free personal care along the lines successfully brought in by the Scottish Government. For those still living at home, access to free personal care will enable earlier intervention and access to help to maintain independence and wellbeing. For those living in residential settings, the personal care elements will be fully funded, alongside a tapered approach to other costs based on the level of their income. For those struggling to afford the accommodation element of residential care, local authorities need to be properly funded to provide the right level of financial support. Better care for all Elected Greens will bring together local authorities, trade unions and private providers to establish a career structure for carers, ensuring there is a pathway to progression that includes training and qualifications. This would have national pay, terms and conditions for all care workers and a proper workforce plan. Elected Greens will also change the working visa system to end the exploitation of overseas workers in the care sector. This would make it illegal for agents to charge commission and would ensure that carers are free to change employer in the UK. Elected Greens will campaign for 'Gloria's Law', giving everybody the right to at least one essential Care Supporter (a person important to them such as a relative or friend) when they are using health or care services. Disabled people Consecutive Conservative governments have undermined the limited progress made by disabled people to live dignified lives as valued members of society. Benefits have been cut, and access to education, work and parliamentary access schemes designed to improve the inclusion of disabled people have been decimated. We need to ensure that everybody can lead full, meaningful lives, can work if they choose, and Caring with Fairness, Compassion and Dignity access the help and support they need. Disabled people have as much of a right to control their day-to-day lives and their long-term futures as non-disabled people. Elected Greens will: • Restore the value of disability benefits with an immediate uplift of 5%. • End the unfair targeting of carers and disabled people on benefits. • Oppose plans to replace Personal Independence Payments (PIP) cash payments with 'vouchers', and in the long term reform intrusive eligibility tests like PIP. • Make it mandatory for councils to provide free transport for 16-18-year-old pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disability. • Ensure disabled workers have the in-job support they need, as well as proper pay and conditions. • Champion the right to inclusive welfare support, and housing under the principles of universal design. Children's social care The scandal of inadequate and under-funded care for looked-after children cannot be allowed to continue. Elected Greens will push for an additional £3bn to be provided to local authorities to enable them to provide high-quality children's social care. Elected Greens will also push for children in foster care or who have been adopted to have consistent access to a trained counsellor until it is no longer required. We would fund councils to extend staying put arrangements, so fostered young people can choose to stay with foster parents until they are 21. Caring with Fairness, Compassion and Dignity Providing Fairer, Greener Homes for All There are over a million households on council waiting lists. In England you could expect to spend around 8.3 times annual average earnings to buy a home. Over 130,000 children are growing up in temporary accommodation. This national housing crisis is the result of 40 years of governments choosing to treat houses simply as assets rather than as homes, and of neglecting to build new social housing. Building thousands of unaffordable homes isn't the answer though - the priority should be providing everybody with a safe, warm affordable home. This means genuinely affordable homes, built to the right standards and in the right place, as part of flourishing communities. It means that we need to make sure all homes are fit for a climate-changed world. And it means protecting the rights of the millions of people who rent their homes. Elected Greens will push to: • Provide 150,000 new social homes a year and end the so-called 'right to buy', so that these homes can belong to communities for ever. • Empower local authorities to introduce rent controls. • End no-fault evictions. • Introduce a Fairer, Greener Homes Guarantee to ensure warm, safe homes that are well insulated. • Transform the planning system so new developments come with access to public services and green spaces are protected. Right Homes, Right Place, Right Price Charter Our Right Homes, Right Place, Right Price Charter will simultaneously protect valuable green space for communities, reduce climate emissions, tackle fuel poverty and provide genuinely affordable housing. Councils and national governments should be working together to deliver the homes people need, where they need them and at rents and prices they can afford. Yet speculators and developers are currently allowed to chase the biggest profits and ignore local communities. Greens will support local councils to provide good quality, affordable social housing in places where people live and work. And we will ensure large- scale developments are always supported by new infrastructure such as GP surgeries, bus services, cycling and walking networks, and extra places at nurseries and schools. All new developments should be accompanied by the extra investment needed to enhance local services too, and so that residents don't have to rely on cars to live a full life. We will transform the planning system to reduce the environmental impact of new construction and to require local authorities to spread small developments across their areas, where appropriate, rather than building huge new estates. Greens are also committed to protecting the Green Belt and ensuring everybody has easy access to a green space. Elected Greens will campaign to change building regulations so all new homes meet Passivhaus or equivalent standards and to require house builders to include solar panels and low carbon Providing Fairer, Greener Homes for All heating systems such as heat pumps for all new homes. We will upgrade the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard to EPC C. Our Fairer, Greener Homes Guarantee Most people's energy bills are unnecessarily high because the UK has the worst insulated homes in Europe. By investing in energy efficiency to reduce the loss of heat, we can help everyone live in a warmer home and lower their bills: the cheapest bill is the one you don't have to pay. Elected Greens will invest: • £29bn over the next five years to insulate homes to EPC B standard or above, as part of a ten-year programme. £12bn of this will be to retrofit the social housing stock and £17bn as grants to retrofit privately owned homes to a similar standard. • £4bn over the next five years to insulate other public buildings to a high standard. This is primarily for schools and hospitals, as part of a ten-year programme. £1bn will be made available as grants to retrofit private sector buildings to a similarly high standard. • £9bn over the next five years for heating systems (e.g. heat pumps) for homes and other buildings. • £7bn over the next five years to adapt homes to avoid over-heating in the hotter summers. The Green Party will introduce a local-authorityled, street-by-street or area-based retrofit programme to insulate our homes, to provide non- fossil-fuel heat and start to adapt our buildings to the more extreme weather. To achieve this, we will put in place the finance and foster the community buy-in needed for this national effort. Financing our Fairer, Greener Homes Guarantee will come from common sense changes in each housing sector: Social housing: We want to see an end to competitive bidding for the social housing Providing Fairer, Greener Homes for All decarbonisation fund, so funding is there for all local authorities. Owner occupiers: We will push for homeowners (freeholders and leaseholders) to more easily access property-linked finance to pay for the work needed on their property. Private rental sector: We will push for tenants to have the right to insist that their landlords access property-linked finance on their behalf. Landlords will not need to provide any up-front finance, but they would have to repay the debt and will benefit from the improved value of the property. Rent controls would prevent them passing repayments straight on to tenants. Social housing Our priority would be to increase Council and Housing Association provision of homes offered at low 'social rents' to 150,000 new homes a year, as soon as possible. We will end the 'right to buy' so that homes continue to belong to the communities who funded them and available to those who need a warm, secure home. Elected Greens will push for these new homes to be delivered through various measures, including new build and refurbishment. There are estimated to be around a million empty homes across all tenures in the United Kingdom. We would empower local authorities to bring empty homes back into use. The failure to maintain social housing properly is a national scandal. Green MPs will push Ministers to ensure all social housing stock is brought up to and kept at a decent standard, with fair funding for Councils and Housing Associations to get this done. Local authorities should be expected and funded to assess social housing needs, the availability and suitability of existing housing stock, and the sites suitable for new social housing. We would ensure that the needs of the elderly, families with children, people living with a disability or requiring support through sheltered housing are adequately catered for. A fair deal for renters Rent controls: Elected Greens will give the power to local authorities to control rents if the local rental market is overheated. Allowances would be made for maintenance. A new stable rental tenancy and the ending of no-fault evictions: Elected Greens will push to end Section 21 no-fault evictions and introduce longterm leases. Private tenants need to be secure in their homes. Renters will also be given a new right to demand energy efficiency improvements. Private Residential Tenancy Boards: Elected Greens will introduce Private Residential Tenancy Boards. These would provide an informal, cheap and speedy forum for resolving disputes before they reach a tribunal. Local authorities will be funded to meet a new statutory duty of tenancy relations. Buy the supply Some local authorities have already been buying existing homes to increase their stock of social housing. This is currently being done on the open market with no enhanced leverage to reflect the wider social and economic benefits that can come from an increase in the supply of social housing. Elected Greens will introduce legislation to give local authorities, registered social landlords and community housing groups the first option to buy certain properties at reasonable rates, for example private rental property that hasn't been insulated to EPC rating C or that fails to meet the decent homes standard, or any property that is left empty for more than six months. Planning Greens want communities to have the funding and the powers to make the planning decisions that are right for them. Local authorities need to be given the resources to act as guardians of the land and the built environment. They need to be able exercise a place-making and place-shaping role. To enhance the role of local authorities, elected Greens will push for local decisions about planning to be informed by a land use planning policy framework that seeks to balance various needs, such as to meet the challenge of the climate emergency, protect nature, grow enough food, and provide homes and energy. Each area's local plan will set viability levels for development and there will be no subsequent negotiation with developers. And Greens will take back the power of building control from developers and invest in publicly accountable building inspectors and building control officers. We cannot allow the continued provision of dangerous and substandard homes. Minimising the climate impact of new homes and buildings Elected Greens will push for these steps to lower the carbon emissions from the built environment: • Demolition will require a full planning application or inclusion in a local development order. • All new-built homes will be required to maximise the use of solar panels and heat pumps, or equivalent low carbon technologies. • All planning applications will be required to include whole-life carbon and energy calculations, covering construction, maintenance and operational use. • All materials from demolished buildings will need to be considered for reuse. Rates for disposal of builders' waste will be increased to ensure that the economic driver for reuse is firmly in place. • Building design needs to be future-proofed. The government is still allowing homes to be built with obsolescent gas boilers and insufficient insulation. New builds and home renovations will meet the standards needed to mitigate climate change. • New developments need to ensure that residents are not car dependent. Providing Fairer, Greener Homes for All Powering up Fairer, Greener Energy It's a scandal that, in one of the richest countries in the world, millions of people cannot afford to heat their homes or cook a meal. This is because of political mismanagement and a failure to invest in reliable renewable energy or to upgrade the UK's homes so that they're comfortable and warm. Elected Greens know we can ensure secure energy and affordable bills by moving over to a range of renewable energy technologies, from wind to solar. We will also make it easier for communities to have ownership of their energy supply. Making our homes more energy efficient and changing how we travel is crucial to reducing the cost of energy for everyone. In addition, Green MPs will push for: • Wind to provide around 70% of the UK's electricity by 2030. • No new oil and gas licences and the ending of all subsidies to the oil and gas industries. • Communities to own their energy sources, ensuring they can use any profit from selling excess energy to reduce their bills or benefit their communities. Phasing out fossil fuels It is dangerous and reckless to extract more fossil fuels in an accelerating climate emergency. Green MPs will push the next government to stop all new fossil fuel extraction projects in the United Kingdom and to cancel recently issued fossil fuel licences, such as for Rosebank. We will also end all subsidies to the oil and gas industries. Powering up Fairer, Greener Energy We will introduce a carbon tax on all fossil fuels, whether produced here or imported. The tax would be proportional to the greenhouse gas emissions produced when fuel is burnt. We would raise the carbon tax rate progressively over a decade, reflecting the cost to the planet of coal, oil and gas and driving their rapid replacement with cheaper, renewable sources of energy. Accelerating clean energy investment and delivery The UK's current climate targets do not reflect the urgency of the climate crisis or what is required by global justice. We would push the government to transition to a zero-carbon society as soon as possible, and more than a decade ahead of 2050. By diverting investment away from renewables, nuclear power is a distraction and a waste of time and money. Instead with investment in interconnectors and grid level storage, it's possible to decarbonise the energy system before 2030. Acting with more ambition will deliver: a zero- carbon electricity supply; security of supply over short and long periods of low generation; sufficient electricity for all cars and vans to be electric, for all homes and buildings to stop using fossil fuels, and for most industry to transition to clean energy. Greens will also prioritise investing in innovation to eliminate residual uses of fossil fuels in the economy, such as for HGVs and mobile machinery. Community Energy We are committed to the energy sector being under local democratic control as far as is possible. There is no reason why communities cannot be investors in everything from local area heat networks to offshore wind. Government will have failed if the infrastructure for sustainable energy generation is primarily in private hands. We will push for: • A minimum threshold of community ownership in all sustainable energy infrastructure. • The removal of regulatory barriers to community energy. • Investment in community energy by regional investment banks. A just transition to a zero-carbon economy Moving towards a green economy is inevitable if we want a liveable future. The big questions are: how smoothly we get there, how fast, who pays and who benefits? Greens are clear that the transition must benefit communities and not leave anyone stranded without jobs, as carbon- intensive industries shut down and we end fossil fuel extraction. We need to learn the lessons of the 1980s when coal mining and other heavy industries were shut down. There needs to be a just transition, led by workers and unions, that sees communities reap the rewards of the shift to green energy. As part of this, we will push the next government to establish an Offshore Energy and Skills Passport so that workers can transition more easily between offshore energy industries. Elected Greens will push for: • Investment in skills and training (including retrofitting) reaching £4bn per year, allowing workers to be prepared for the transition and the new roles they can take on. • A minimum threshold of community ownership in all onshore sustainable energy infrastructure in the locality. • A regional strategy building on industrial strengths across the country to maximise the contribution to the transition from existing jobs and businesses. Sourcing renewable energy We are in the middle of an exciting revolution in the way we produce and use energy. Green MPs will aim to introduce new support and incentives to directly accelerate wind energy development, consulting with the sector on the best mechanisms, including increasing the maximum contracts for difference strike price so that it more accurately reflects supply chain costs and leads to the contracting of new capacity, and equipping ports and supply chains to better support floating offshore wind. This will pave the way for wind to provide around 70% of the UK's electricity by 2030. Our targets are to achieve 80GW of offshore wind, 53 GW of onshore wind, and 100 GW of solar by 2035. We would introduce new support for solar and other renewable energies, including marine, hydro-power and geothermal, to provide much of the remainder of the UK's energy supply by 2030 and support the solar roof top revolution by mandating the use of solar panels on all new homes, where possible and appropriate. This will help generate the conditions for a regulatory sandbox, with the industry working alongside house builders to trial new innovations, and we will further incentivise the growth of solar and other renewables with mechanisms that could include installation grants and green mortgages, as well as reducing VAT. Crucially, our approach will give the sector the confidence to invest and innovate that comes from long-term predictability. We will end the de-facto ban on onshore wind. This, along with transforming the planning system, would support a massive increase in wind power and other renewable generation, whilst balancing our energy needs with our priorities, protecting biodiversity and our food supply. We will advocate for community renewables and champion the Local Electricity Bill to make it Powering up Fairer, Greener Energy easier and cheaper for local renewable projects to become suppliers to their local communities. The Crown Estate will be brought into public ownership and should open more coastal waters for offshore wind and marine energy. Control over its assets within the jurisdiction of Wales should be devolved to the Welsh Government, as it is in Scotland. We will ensure that communities see the long-term profits from these vital energy assets. Elected Greens will seek to properly regulate biofuels to end greenwashing and ensure they provide genuine net carbon savings. Only biofuels sustainably sourced within the UK will be permitted. We would end the practice of importing wood for burning at the Drax power station and end subsidies for biomass. Distributing, sharing and storing energy To reduce our reliance on gas, we need to move renewable energy to where it is needed, and to invest in the capacity to store energy for when the wind is still, or it is cloudy. Elected Greens will seek to significantly expand and improve the efficiency of the electricity grid, increasing its capacity so that it can distribute the increased electricity the UK will need as it transitions away from fossil fuels We support the extensive use of offshore power distribution networks to reduce the amount of onshore connection infrastructure needed along our coastlines, an approach being applied by our European neighbours. We would connect our electricity supply more closely to that of our neighbours in Europe to provide a broader-based supply we can call on when needed and to allow us to export electricity when we have a surplus. We would rapidly expand the capacity for energy storage, so that there is security of electricity supply for short-term peaks in demand and periods of low supply from variable renewables. We would support and rapidly increase the use of green hydrogen for necessary industrial use and energy storage technologies, seeking investment opportunities through academic-industry partnership. We think there is value in a vaccine style task force approach to clean power and Greens will ensure priority is given to ongoing research into the best technologies and processes to address energy distribution, sharing and storing considering cost, timescale, governance and function. Nuclear power We would cease development of new nuclear power stations, as nuclear energy is much more expensive and slower to develop than renewables. We are clear that nuclear is a distraction from developing renewable energy and the risk to nuclear power stations from extreme climate events is rising fast. Nuclear power stations carry an unacceptable risk for the communities living close to facilities and create unmanageable quantities of radioactive waste. They are also inextricably linked with the production of nuclear weapons. Green MPs will campaign to phase out existing nuclear power stations. Powering up Fairer, Greener Energy Creating A Fairer, Greener Economy Our country is one of the richest in the world, yet millions of people are struggling to put food on the table and pay their bills. The government has failed to invest in rapidly transitioning to a zero-carbon society, to create decent, secure jobs or to make our economy resilient to future climate shocks. It has put lifeline services for our communities at risk by more than a decade of savage funding cuts. It has let a small number of people hoard obscene wealth whilst our nurses are using food banks. And shareholders have got ever richer while our privatised public services are run into the ground, sewage is dumped into our rivers and seas, and our trains don't run on time. We know that we can do better than this. With the right political choices, the UK can have a fairer and greener economy. An economy that delivers security, well-being and a better quality of life for everyone, as well protecting our environment and enabling us to tackle the climate crisis with the ambition and speed it demands. Elected Greens would push for significant investment in a green economic transformation, alongside the private sector. This programme to include: • An average of £40bn per year over the course of the next parliament, including £7bn annually on climate adaptation. • A carbon tax to make polluters pay and provide money to invest in the green transition. • Bringing privatised utilities back into public hands. • Taxing multi-millionaires and billionaires to fund our public services. A Green Economic Transformation Our economy is on the brink of some really exciting changes. The green economy means cleaner, cheaper energy and millions of rewarding and well-paid jobs. But we can't get there while we are also feeding money to the very sectors that are causing the climate and ecological emergencies, whether this is fossil fuels or new roads. And we won't get there without a large- scale, long-term programme of investment. The Green Party is committed to investing in a green economic transformation. We estimate that this green investment will require an average investment of £40bn per year over the course of the parliament to be spent as follows: Creating A Fairer, Greener Economy Electricity generation, transmission £50bn and storage Retrofitting buildings, installing £50bn non-fossil fuel heating systems, and adapting homes for a climate changed world Investing in a modern, £30bn electrified railway Public transport infrastructure £7bn Active travel £6bn Reducing the climate impact £4bn of road transport Reducing emissions from industry £11bn Water and sewage infrastructure £12bn Nationalisation of water companies £30bn and Big 5 retail energy companies Resource use Elected Greens will push forward the recommendations from the Climate Change Committee to reduce emissions of polluting fluorinated gases in all manufactured goods. We will also increase the scope of bans on the production of single-use plastics for use in packaging and disposable products such as baby wipes, as in many cases alternatives already exist. Green MPs will increase investment into research and development by over £30bn across five years. Bringing privatised utilities back into public ownership Privatisation has failed. Dividends are paid to shareholders while infrastructure is run into the ground. We need huge investment in our utilities and the government can borrow to invest much more cheaply - rather than these costs falling to bill-payers. Creating A Fairer, Greener Economy We commit to immediately bringing the railways, the water companies and the Big 5 retail energy companies back into public ownership. Public investment would buy equity in these public utilities, ensuring they are run to serve us all, rather than to increase the wealth of shareholders. Financial services Financial services have a crucial part to play in achieving a rapid transition to a zero- carbon economy and ensuring that nature is protected. Green MPs would work to make this industry a force for good - directing finance towards the businesses that are critical to creating a better future for all. Any company holding a UK banking licence will be required to present an investment strategy outlining a clear pathway to divestment of its current fossil fuel assets as soon as possible, and at least by 2030. The Bank of England's mandate will be changed so that funding the sustainability transition becomes a central objective, alongside the maintenance of price stability. The Bank would also be required to mainstream the climate crisis into its strategic thinking and to produce a carbon-neutrality roadmap for the financial system, including forward planning scenarios consistent with a 1.5oC warming limit and the equity obligations of the Glasgow Accord. The Bank of England should adopt a policy of credit guidance that will direct lending towards a just and urgent sustainability transition. There will be credit bans/ceilings for unsustainable activities. These targets will be mandatory for all banks relying on the central bank as a lender of last resort. Non-bank financial institutions, such as UK pension funds, investment funds, mutual funds, brokers and insurance companies that sell policies in the UK, will need to remove fossil fuel assets from their investment portfolios, securities transactions and balance sheets by 2030. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) will develop targets to eliminate all equities relating to fossil fuel exploitation from the UK stock market and will immediately prohibit the issuing of any new shares for those purposes. SME and community sector support Small and medium-sized business are the lifeblood of our economy and our communities. We want to see them supported to play a key role in the green economy of the future, and to create new, quality jobs and training opportunities. Green MPs will back the setting up of regional mutual banks to drive investment in decarbonisation and local economic sustainability by supporting investment in SMEs and community-owned enterprises and cooperatives. These banks will be capitalised through a Cooperative Development Fund using some of the funds made available through the United Kingdom Infrastructure Bank (UKIB), along with an additional £10bn of public money. We will give local authorities £2bn per year to provide grants to help businesses decarbonise. We will explore legal ways for companies to be transformed into mutual organisations, especially at the point of succession from one owner to another. Community ownership can be encouraged through greater access to government funding in the transition to a zero-carbon economy. We want to change markets where customers, suppliers and workers are open to exploitation through market dominance. We also want to ensure that structures exist in markets that allow for a competitively fair transition to a zero-carbon economy. Late payment remains a problem for many businesses and sole traders. It is not acceptable that large companies or public bodies rely on unarranged credit from smaller enterprises to manage their cash flow or simply fail to process invoices promptly. Elected Greens will campaign to bring the Prompt Payment Code into law and bar late payers from public-procurement contracts. We would mandate the Small Business Commissioner to investigate potential instances of poor payment proactively, instead of only when a complaint has been made. Research, development and skills Green MPs will seek to increase investment into research and development by over £30bn in the lifetime of the five-year parliament. Additional spending will be primarily focused on tackling the climate and environmental crisis through funding research into sectors including: energy storage; agroecological agriculture and soil health; re-use, repair, recycling and designing out waste; carbon neutral construction; carbon-neutral production and carbon capture technology. Elected Greens will push the UK government to partner with universities, other research institutions and business to assess the most economically and environmentally significant areas for research and development. International collaboration and supporting the research efforts of the Global South will be important aspects of international solidarity. Respecting the limits of the planet Despite the other political parties continuing to argue that endless economic growth is the solution to all our problems, there is a growing consensus it is actively undermining our wellbeing. We can no longer continue to exploit oil, gas, forests and oceans for economic growth - their overuse is already threatening our future survival, as well as the future of our economy and society. Green MPs will change the way success is measured in our economy, with new indicators that take account of the wellbeing of people and planet and that track our progress towards building a greener - and fairer - future. Creating A Fairer, Greener Economy Central to achieving an economy that sits comfortably within planetary boundaries will be more domestic production of a much wider range of goods and services. Increased self-sufficiency builds resilience, both nationally and within communities, as well as strengthening local economies. Green MPs will advocate for a circular economy that reduces the waste of resources. We will require manufacturers to offer ten-year warranties on white goods, to encourage repair and reuse. We will introduce a comprehensive 'right to repair', so manufacturers keep goods operational years after purchase and to eliminate built-in obsolescence. We will require manufacturers to produce only the most energy efficient white goods, TVs, lighting and electric cookers. We will encourage a shift from an ownership to a usership model, for instance through car-sharing platforms and neighbourhood libraries for tools and equipment. Elected Greens will campaign to amend the Companies Act 2006 so that company directors must prioritise the well-being of all living entities (including all nations, all species and future generations, as well as all people alive today) and avoid negative environmental and social consequences. Creating A Fairer, Greener Economy Making Work Fair The Green Party believes that workers' and trade union rights need to be restored after decades of decline under successive governments. Too many people are being exploited and underpaid, with too little protection from the law. This outgoing government has dedicated itself to attacking the democratic right of workers to organise to defend themselves, while simultaneously failing to negotiate fair pay and conditions in the public sector. The Green Party believes trade unions are a vital partner in building a fairer, greener economy. Elected Greens would campaign to: • Repeal current anti-union legislation and replace this with a positive Charter of Workers' Rights. • Introduce a maximum 10:1 pay ratios for all private and public-sector organisations. • Deliver equal rights for all workers currently excluded from protections, including 'gig economy' workers and those on 'zero hours' contracts. All workers should be able to choose to organise with their colleagues to improve their conditions, get the pay they deserve, and withdraw their labour if necessary: we would restore legal protection for these basic rights. Elected Greens will campaign to repeal current anti-union legislation introduced since 1979 and replace it with a comprehensive Charter of Workers' Rights. We will restore the right to strike, remove arbitrary ballot thresholds and outdated requirements for postal ballots for strike action, and overturn bans on secondary picketing and industrial action for political objectives. Wages and working conditions Decades of Conservative, Labour and Coalition rule have created a poverty economy, with stagnant wages and millions earning less than a living wage. We will seek to introduce a minimum wage of £15 an hour for all, no matter your age, with the costs to small businesses offset by increasing the Employment Allowance to £10,000. The ever-expanding gap between companies' highest earners and their lowest paid is damaging for our society, so Green MPs will campaign for a maximum 10:1 pay ratio for all private and public-sector organisations. No worker should see their CEO getting paid more in a day than they do in an entire year. We will legislate for workers to have full employment rights from day one of their employment. We will properly fund the enforcement of workers' rights and abolish tribunal fees, to ensure that bad employers have nowhere to hide. We will require all large and medium-size companies to carry out equal pay audits and redress any inequality uncovered both in terms of equal pay for equal work, and unfair recruitment and retention practices. And we will campaign for safe sick pay, because it's good for workers, good for employers and good for public health. 'Gig economy' workers - like those working for Uber and Deliveroo - are excluded from fundamental workers' rights. Every worker deserves equal protection. We will bring platform workers under a single legal status of 'worker', with full and equal rights from the first day of employment. Every worker will have a right to Making Work Fair access their data and to appeal management decisions. Gig employers that repeatedly breach data protection, employment or tax law will be denied licences to operate. Green MPs will push for pay-gap protections to be extended to all protected characteristics including ethnicity, disability and sexual orientation. We believe in equal pay for equal work and in the right to flexible working arrangements that will benefit women, carers and disabled people in particular. Reducing working time can make us all happier, healthier and more productive. Elected Greens will support reduced working hours and moving towards a four-day working week. Giving Everyone a Fairer, Greener Deal Most of us want to live in a country where everyone is treated with dignity - not one in which record numbers of children are in poverty, older people can't keep warm or disabled people are being badly let down. A combination of austerity, poor choices in response to the Covid pandemic and the ongoing cost-of-living crisis has left too many people reliant on foodbanks and going hungry. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation estimate that 3.8 million people experienced destitution in 2022, including one million children. With the right political choices, we can do so much better - lifting everyone up and making sure all of us can access extra help if we need it. Elected Greens will campaign to: • Increase Universal Credit and legacy benefits by £40 a week. • End the unfair five-week wait for benefits which is pushing people into debt. • Abolish the two-child benefit cap and lift 250,000 children out of poverty. • Increase all disability benefits by 5%. • Ensure that pensions are always uprated in line with inflation and keep pace with wage rises across the economy. • Increase carer's allowance by at least 10% a month. • Scrap the bedroom tax. In the long term, Green MPs will push for the introduction of a Universal Basic Income that will give everybody the security to start a business, study, train or just live their life in dignity. This major change to our tax and social security system is the work of more than one parliament. In the meantime, we will end benefit sanctions and challenge the punitive approach to welfare claimants, instead recognising that that all of us might need extra support or a safety net at different points in our lives. Elected Greens will take every opportunity to advocate for the most disadvantaged in society. Throughout this Manifesto there are further measures aimed at helping people struggling with the cost of living including free home insulation, subsidised public transport, and investment in the public services. Making Work Fair Giving Everyone a Fairer, Greener Deal A Fairer and Greener Approach to Public Finances Our country is crying out for investment. Too few buses in rural areas, crumbling flood defences and the high cost of our energy bills are all consequences of the government choosing not to invest. And when small businesses lose workers to long hospital waiting lists or when children need time off school because of asthma caused by air pollution, it's clear the price of this failure is high. We can make different choices though, by taxing wealth fairly and by taxing pollution to generate enough money to rescue our public services and in protecting our climate. Green MPs will take a positive approach to public investment by: • Taxing wealth fairly and taxing investment income at the same rate as earned income. • Committing to no increases in the basic rate of income tax during this cost-of-living crisis. • Borrowing to invest and rejecting the self-imposed straitjacket of conventional fiscal rules. Taxing wealth fairly In 2020 the wealthiest 10% of households held 43% of all the wealth in Great Britain. Greens think a fairer future for us all means tackling this imbalance and the damage it's doing to our economy and the planet. Wealth held in assets doesn't circulate, so its benefits aren't shared, whilst lifestyles that consume vast amounts of energy contribute disproportionately to the climate crisis. Rather than taxing wealth fairly, the other political parties are refusing to rule out further cuts and are instead bending to pressure from excessively A Fairer and Greener Approach to Public Finances high earners, the City and the newspaper barons - all at the expense of the future of the country. We don't think that's fair, and neither do the 64% of people who support maintaining or increasing taxes rather than cutting public services. Elected Greens will push for a wealth tax. This will tax the wealth of individual taxpayers with assets above £10 million at 1% and assets above £1bn at 2% annually. Only a very small minority of people would be subject to the wealth tax, while the overwhelming majority would benefit. Elected Greens will push too for the reform Capital Gains Tax (CGT) by aligning the rates paid by taxpayers on income and taxable gains. This would affect less than 2% of all income-tax payers. Elected Greens will also call for the reform of tax rates on investment income, by aligning them with the tax and NIC rates on employment income. Ensuring that all income is taxed at the same rates irrespective of source is both fair and works to avoid tax avoidance by the unscrupulous. We would remove the Upper Earnings Limit that restricts the amount of National Insurance paid by high earners. Tax rates should not fall as income increases. We would equate the rate of pension tax relief with the basic rate of income tax to help fund the social care that will allow elderly and disabled people on low incomes to live in dignity. We would reform inheritance tax, ensuring that intergenerational transfers of wealth are taxed more fairly. The tax reforms set out above are designed to simplify and align the rates of tax paid on income and investment gains, whatever their source, and to introduce a wealth tax on very high concentrations of wealth. Without access to the full modelling capability available to the Treasury we can only estimate the additional revenue that would be raised from our proposals. Overall, we estimate that by the end of the next parliament they could add raise between £50 and £70bn per year in 2024 prices. To put this into perspective, our reforms would increase direct tax raised from individual taxpayers from 19% of GDP to 21%. And because of the approach we have adopted, this would fall on those most able to pay. Property taxes The UK has one of the most concentrated land ownership systems in the world: half of England is owned by less than 1% of the population, although we have no proper information on who owns vast swathes of the land that is our most valuable resource. The Green Party has always opposed the Council Tax, which is a regressive tax, that shifts the emphasis away from a local tax on property. As part of shifting taxation away from employment and towards wealth, elected Greens will champion a fair system for taxing landowners. Our long-term policy aim is a Land Value Tax so that those with the most valuable and largest land holdings would contribute the most. In the next parliament, elected Greens will take steps towards this by pushing for: • Re-evaluation of Council Tax bands to reflect big changes in value since 1990s. • Removal of business rate relief on Enterprise Zones, Freeports, petrol stations and most empty properties. • A survey of all landholdings to pave the way for fair taxation of land. Business taxes Green MPs will support an increase in the rate of the windfall tax on oil and gas production and the closing of existing loopholes and tax-relief mechanisms. We would introduce a windfall tax on banks when excessive profits are being made. We would also propose a range of changes to VAT, reducing it on hard-pressed areas such as hospitality and the arts and increasing it on financial services and private education. These changes would raise up to an additional £40bn in business taxes during the five years of the next parliament. Carbon Tax Elected Greens will advocate for a carbon tax to incentivise businesses to decarbonise their supply chains and to help raise the money needed to shift to a zero-carbon economy. There will be an alignment of all existing taxes on fossil fuels and carbon emissions to aid compliance. Elected Greens will propose levying a carbon tax at an initial rate of £120 per tonne, rising to a maximum of £500 per tonne of carbon emitted within ten years. This is deliberately designed to make it cheaper for the emitter to take steps to reduce emissions rather than pay the tax. We estimate we will be raising up to an additional £80bn by the end of the parliament, then falling back after that as carbon emissions reduce across the economy. Tax avoidance We will clamp down on tax dodging. When companies and individuals fail to pay their fair share, it deprives our vital public services of much needed investment. Greens support small businesses that are currently paying taxes for the services they use, and will take steps to tackle the global corporations that are not. It will be a priority to strengthen global tax agreements to stop corporate tax avoidance and evasion, and to ensure a level playing field between UK and transnational businesses. We will also ensure that HMRC has the resources it needs to reduce the gap between taxes due and taxes paid. A Fairer and Greener Approach to Public Finances Public sector debt Choosing to trap us all in a self-imposed fiscal straitjacket is a false economy. It is clear that investing in protecting our climate now will save vast costs in the future. Investing in our public services and infrastructure is essential to a flourishing future for us all. As Greens we will never allow an obsession with fiscal rules to stop us investing in the public transport, schools and hospitals we all rely on - nor from taking the steps necessary to protect the climate for our children and their children. Investing in the green economy of the future will be expensive - the Climate Change (CCC) Committee has estimated we will need an £50bn per year - but delaying action will be far more costly, both in human terms as the climate breaks down, and in terms of the damage to infrastructure caused by extreme weather events. But the savings will be substantial too. The CCC estimates that by the end of this parliament this extra investment will be offset by reductions in day-to-day spending, including due to the extra efficiency of electric vehicles. Greens will not allow our country to be held back by fiscal rules that don't serve us all - we're prepared to tax wealth and carbon emissions and prepared to borrow to invest in a fairer future. We do however acknowledge that public expenditure can only be expanded as far as the economy has the capacity to absorb it without triggering dangerous levels of inflation. This would be our overriding fiscal rule. A Fairer and Greener Approach to Public Finances Bringing Nature Back to Life Our environment is our most precious resource; we depend on it for the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. We are one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world with about half of our nature lost. Our commitment to nature is not based solely on the economic value it can provide; we are part of nature and unless it flourishes, we cannot flourish either. Green MPs will aim to restore the health of soil and the purity of our water and protect pollinators like bees and other species that life depends on. The experiment of water privatisation has been an unmitigated disaster, with routine discharges of filth into our water courses while the shareholders of water companies cream off profits from our ever-rising bills. Water is a public good which we would choose to return to public ownership, a move that would also enable the restoration of habitats and biodiversity. Elected Greens will transform and reconnect us with nature by: • Introducing a new Rights of Nature Act giving legal personhood to nature. • Set aside 30% of our land and seas by 2030 in which nature will receive the highest priority and protection. • Taking the water companies back into public ownership. Legal protection for the natural world Greens in parliament will make it a priority to pass a new Rights of Nature Act. For the first time, it would give Nature legal personhood, meaning that it could not be exploited for financial gain. The Act would also set standards for soil quality and phasing out the most harmful pesticides immediately (including glyphosate) and, as we move towards regenerative farming methods, introduce rigorous tests for all pesticides. Only pesticides that pass this test, and demonstrably don't harm bees, butterflies and other wildlife, would be approved for use in UK and we would end the emergency authorisation of bee-killing pesticides. The Act will work in tandem with our commitment to a separate Climate and Nature Act. This will address the full extent of the climate and nature crisis in line with the most up-to-date science - and ensure a comprehensive and joined-up approach to the ecological emergency. Elected Greens will also push for a Clean Air Act, which will set new air quality standards for the UK. We would enshrine the right to breathe clean air in the law. Elected Greens would seek to strengthen and prevent any rollback of existing protections of the Green Belt, National Landscapes and Sites of Special Scientific Interest Bringing Nature Back to Life Safer waters for us all We are clear that the only way to end the scandal of our filthy water is to end the failed experiment with privatisation and bring the water companies back into public ownership. Money that is now being extracted by shareholders would be invested to fix the leaks and rebuild infrastructure. Public water companies must also ensure that abstraction respects nature. Elected Greens will push to restore rivers and take a nature-based solutions approach to the prevention of flooding and storm overflows. We would increase DEFRA's budget by £1.5bn, allowing an increase in funding for the Environment Agency and Natural England, to support the vital work they do to protect our environment. This would include developing a soil health monitoring programme for England, to match those in Scotland and Wales, to assess and understand changes in the health of soil over time. This would end the flow of pollution into rivers and the sea from fertilisers, agricultural waste and sewage, through effective monitoring and enforcement. Access to Nature Access to nature is essential for human health and well-being. Elected Greens will introduce a new Right to Roam Act for England, that would enable people to access green space close to where they live and be a first step to resetting our relationship with the natural world. This would be based on the model in Scotland and include sensible exceptions, such as fields where crops are growing. The Right to Roam Act would be accompanied by a renewed and strengthened Countryside Code which clearly sets out rights and responsibilities when accessing nature. Green MPs will also campaign to ensure that everybody lives within 15 minutes' walking distance of a nature-rich greenspace. We will ensure car-free access to the National Parks with new cycling, walking, wheeling and bus links. Bringing Nature Back to Life Giving land and sea back to nature Currently only 5% of land in the UK qualifies as being effectively protected for nature. We need to bring nature back to life and restore valuable habitats. We would plan to give 30% of land and sea back to nature by 2030 ensuring that it is permanently protected. A priority would be the re-wetting of all peatland and increasing unharvested forest and woodland by over 50%. We should allow natural regeneration to take place. Increasing areas for scrub, hedgerows, rough-grazing orchards and creating new protected spaces in urban settings will also help meet this target. Grants of an additional £3bn annually will be made available to landowners and farmers by the middle of the next parliament to support returning land to nature, with generous per hectare payments. Whilst National Parks, National Landscapes and Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) will be a major focus, returning land to nature can happen everywhere, even on brownfield sites and in towns and cities where there are important reservoirs of species that need to be supported, to improve nature connectivity. Green MPs will champion reintroducing nature into our urban environments, with investment in schemes such as street planting of native trees, compulsory hedgehog holes in all new fencing, swift bricks and bee corridors. And we will prioritise training of conservation workers and developing a public service professional path for nature conservation. Elected Greens also commit to making at least 30% of UK domestic waters into fully protected marine protected areas by 2030. We will seek to ban all destructive fishing practices from Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and other domestic waters. Protecting Animals We pride ourselves on being a nation of animal- lovers, yet animal cruelty is still all around us and the natural habitats of wild animals are under serious threat. It's time for better choices and to better protect animals. Elected Greens will push for: • The creation of a new Commission on Animal Protection. • A ban on all blood sports, including trail hunting and strengthening and extending the 2004 Hunting Act. • A legal requirement for all British territorial and overseas waters to offer the highest protection to marine life. Commission on Animal Protection Elected Greens will seek to create a new Commission on Animal Protection, responsible for overseeing all rules designed to protect animals from cruelty and upholding their rights as sentient beings not to be subjected to undue suffering. This Commission will ensure that the highest standards of animal protection are applied to companion animals, farm animals and wildlife - and that these standards underpin decision making by public bodies too. We will enhance regulation and controls on the breeding, sale and import of companion and all animals, including action to stop cruel practices such as ear cropping and pet smuggling. There would be a compulsory licensing of everyone working with animals. Those convicted of cruelty will be placed on an animal cruelty register and prevented from working with animals again. Elected Greens would push for ending the exploitation of animals, including horses and greyhounds in racing. Green MPs will introduce a licensing scheme for the ownership of all kept animals and replace outdated breed-specific legislation for dogs with an updated dog control law. Green MPs would recognise the distress caused when beloved companion animals are stolen and will champion new laws to comprehensively tackle this kind of crime. We would encourage the use of companion animals in therapy and other treatments, drawing on evidence showing the beneficial impact of contact with animals on human psychology. Greens oppose the importation of monkeys for use in labs, and will work towards an outright ban on all animal testing. We would also end the use of live animals in military training and support the production, promotion and transition to non- animal technologies for use in experiments. A humane approach to wild and farmed animals The Green Party is fundamentally opposed to all blood sports and would campaign to introduce a ban on all hunting in the first year of a new parliament. This includes trophy hunting, trail hunting, where dogs are used to track foxes, and the commercial shooting of game birds. Government subsidies will no longer be given to maintain artificial landscapes designed only for hunting (such as grouse moors). Green MPs will campaign against badger culling. Protecting Animals The cull has no evidence basis and has failed to effectively reduce Bovine TB. We will fund research into a sensitive test to enable cattle vaccination as part of a meaningful strategy to control the spread of the disease. We will also invest in better farm biosecurity and badger vaccination. Where necessary for ecological reasons, or for animals described as pests, humane culling will be licensed by Natural England and carried out by trained professionals. Related to this will be the prohibition of firearms and lethal weapons except on registered premises. We will also ban the use of lead ammunition and outlaw all forms of snaring. Elected Greens will push for an end to factory farming, enforce maximum stocking densities and prohibit the routine use of antibiotics in farm animals. Greens will campaign for a complete ban on cages and close confinement, and on the deliberate mutilation of farm animals. Enhancing protection for marine creatures Elected Greens will ensure that all British domestic and overseas territorial waters offer the highest protection to marine mammals, sea birds and marine life. Green MPs will champion co-operation in achieving global sanctuary for all cetaceans, alongside active support for UN Charters and obligations under The Law of the Sea to protect against overfishing, pollution, climate impacts and other threats. Elected Greens will push for a ban on bottom trawling and other destructive fishing practices in Marine Protected Areas and other waters, as well as for proper implementation and enforcement of relevant international legislation to protect deep- sea species. Protecting Animals A Greener and Fairer Food and Farming System Our food system is failing us all. Ultra-processed food is exacerbating poor health and is linked to an increased risk of 32 health problems including cancer, obesity and diabetes. Poor diets are estimated to cost our NHS £6.5bn a year yet successive governments have failed to take on the unhealthy food lobby. The impact of climate change means our food supply is under threat too, along with the livelihoods of our farmers. At the same time, the way we produce our food is damaging our natural world. Agriculture is responsible for about one tenth of all UK greenhouse gas emissions; it is the greatest driver of nature loss and is largely responsible for the scandal of polluted rivers. Shocks like extreme weather, the war in Ukraine and leaving the EU impacted our food supply chains - all of us have experienced empty shelves and food price rises, with those on lowest incomes worst hit. Our rural economies are struggling, and the rural poverty gap is increasing. All whilst one third of all food produced in the world ends up wasted. Bold decisions are needed. Subsidies should fully support our farmers, including smaller and family farms, to invest in bringing land back into good health and making it a carbon sink rather than a carbon emitter. And the process of claiming should be made simple and straightforward. Green MPs would aim to achieve a secure supply of food produced on these islands and a thriving rural economy built upon farming. And we can do this whilst bringing nature back to life, delivering healthy food, providing employment and support to hard-pressed farmers and growers. Elected Greens will choose to do things differently. We will work with farmers and other stakeholders, to transform our food and farming system so it produces healthy, nutritious food at fair prices for consumers and with fair wages for growers. We will also aim to increase the amount of food that is grown and traded in the UK and as locally as possible. Elected Greens will: • Almost triple support to farmers over the next 5-year parliament to support the transition to nature-friendly farming. • Conserve and improve the health of the soil and the wider environment, which in turn would lead to cleaner rivers. • Offer sustainable employment, decent livelihoods, career opportunities, good working conditions and ongoing training to those involved in growing food. • Better educate the population about food and health and build links between farms, schools and the wider community. • Encourage a move to mixed farming along with a reduction in meat and dairy production and implement new horticulture support for fruit and vegetable production. • Link farm payments to a reduction in the use of pesticides and other agro-chemicals. • End unfair trade deals. Elected Greens will push for the highest animal protection standards and to update the Animal Welfare Act 2006. A Greener and Fairer Food and Farming System Food With 15% of all households experiencing food insecurity and millions of people struggling to put food on the table. Elected Greens will push for: • All children to have a daily free school meal, made from nutritious ingredients and based on local and organic or sustainable produce and free breakfast clubs for children to Year 6. • Everyone to have sufficient income to make healthy sustainable food choices. • Schools to involve children in growing, preparing and cooking food, as part of the core curriculum, so that they recognise and understand how to use basic fresh produce. • A food partnership in every area, and for a Local Food Enterprise Fund to be set up. • Policies that ensure that good quality surplus food is not wasted. Rebuilding national food security In a world where supply chains are becoming less secure and commodity prices more volatile because of our changing climate and geo-political risks, greater domestic food security is critical. Rather than relying on imports of fresh fruit (80%) and vegetables (50%) we need to build local fresh food networks and bring horticulture back into our urban fringe. Such schemes are already providing a good alternative to processed food in cities such as Copenhagen. Green MPs would draw on examples of good practice elsewhere and campaign for: • Increasing domestic food production and expanding local horticulture. • Incentivising growing a much greater variety of plant food types to protect sourcing and enhanced nutrition. • Rebalancing the power dynamic between big food manufactures and local alternatives such as local food networks, community-supported agriculture and other co-operatives. • Tackling the unfairness in the system through revitalising the abandoned National Food Strategy. • Strengthening the powers of the Grocery Standards Adjudicator and the Food Standards Agency. • Reducing the vulnerability of the small-scale farming suppliers relative to the oligopolies in retail and food manufacture, by regulating for fairness in negotiation and new legally binding codes of practice. • Putting farmers, including smaller and family farms, back in the room so they are part of developing new farming policy, including a new Fairer Farming Charter. Forestry There is scope for the UK to become far more self- sufficient in wood resources as part of the move away from products based on fossil fuels. Elected Greens will advocate for: • A substantial increase in productive forestry, in addition to increases in woodland. • Wood and crop waste to be recycled into construction materials, paper and fabrics. (Food and farming policy in Wales is devolved to the Welsh Government). A Greener and Fairer Food and Farming System Creating A Fairer, Greener Education System Education should be about inspiring a love of learning and ensuring that every young person can reach their potential. Yet too many children are struggling to achieve in an education system that operates like a production line rather than valuing children's unique individual qualities. Schools play an essential role in ensuring that all children have an equal chance to thrive. We must work towards ending child poverty and opening up opportunities to all. No child should be left behind. For Greens, education is a common good that benefits society as a whole so it should be publicly funded and available to everybody, free of charge, at every stage of life. We will continue to support parents in educating children in settings other than at school. Green MPs would push for an education system that: • Is fully inclusive, with better funded support for special educational needs and all children provided with a free school meal. • Supports every higher education student with the restoration of grants and the end of tuition fees. • Reduces the stress in our education system by ending high-stakes, formal testing at primary and secondary schools and by abolishing OFSTED. Early years Pre-school education should be focused on play and on supporting young children to safely explore the world around them. It can also assist families to access work and other opportunities. Greens MPs will advocate: • For £1.4bn per year to be invested by local authorities in Sure Start Centres. • In negotiation with the sector, to extend the outgoing government's offer of childcare to 35 hours per week from nine months. Schools Over a decade of funding cuts, assessment targets and a teacher recruitment crisis have resulted in larger class sizes, fewer educational visits and arts and vocational subjects dropped from the curriculum. Elected Greens will: • Advocate for an increase in school funding, with an £8bn investment in schools that would include £2bn for a pay uplift for teachers. • Ensure that every school building is safe for children by investing £2.5bn a year to tackle the RAAC concrete scandal and provide the funding needed for schools to be well- maintained and fit for purpose. • Review assessment targets in schools so that arts and vocational subjects are treated equally within the curriculum, children are supported to play and learn outdoors, and every child can learn about the climate and biodiversity crisis to equip them for the challenges ahead. • Ensure effective delivery of the new Natural History GCSE. • Move academies and free schools into local authority control, removing charitable status Creating A Fairer, Greener Education System from private schools and charging full VAT on fees. Private school places for children with special education needs will not be subject to VAT. This will be an interim measure while public-sector capacity is built. • Retain a full, evidence-based and age- appropriate programme of Relationships, Sex and Health Education, including LGBTIQA+ content and resources. • Protect provision of free school breakfast clubs for all primary school pupils. Special educational needs Green MPs will push for £5bn to be invested in special needs (SEND) provision within mainstream schools. This means that all schools will have fully accessible buildings and specially trained teachers, and local councils will have the funds to properly support SEND students at school and in getting to school. Child health and wellbeing Green MPs will: • Fully restore the role of the school nurse, ensuring that all schools have access to an on-site medical professional. • Give children and students at all state- funded schools and colleges access to a qualified counsellor. Post-16 and Further Education The world of work is changing fast. Fewer young people will experience only one career and workplace in their lives. Education and training must be accessible, and better designed to support lifelong learning. Creating A Fairer, Greener Education System Green MPs will push for: • A £3bn increase in funding for sixth-form education over the next parliamentary term, and a £12bn investment in skills and lifelong learning for further education. • The restoration of the Education Maintenance Allowance to financially support young people to extend their studies after the age of 16. Higher Education Marketisation has been disastrous for Higher Education, changing the relationships between students and academic faculty, pushing universities into financial crisis, and burdening a whole generation of students with debts so high that they are ruining their life chances. We would fully fund every higher education student, restoring maintenance grants and scrapping undergraduate tuition fees. Our longterm plans also include seeking to cancel the injustice of graduate debt. Elected Greens will work with the higher education sector to tackle the challenges posed by changes to employer contributions for the Teachers' Pension Scheme (TPS). (In Wales, Education is devolved to the Welsh Government.) Investing in Fairer, Greener Transport Our transport choices account for around a quarter of UK carbon emissions. Making it easier to opt for greener choices is key to tackling the climate emergency, yet public transport provision continues to decline. As well as the damage to our climate, vehicle exhaust and particulates from tyre and brake dust are major contributors to air pollution, which costs the UK economy £20bn a year and is associated with over 40,000 deaths a year. This is also an equity issue: one in five families don't have access to a car and the poorest households are nearly seven times less likely to have access to a car than the richest. Elected Greens will champion public transport for every community to thrive. Green MPs will push to: • Increase annual public subsidies for rail and bus travel to £10bn by the end of the next parliament to make public transport reliable, frequent, accessible and affordable, including free bus travel for under-18s. • Invest an additional £19bn over five years to improve public transport, support electrification and invest in new cycleways and footpaths; this includes the reallocation of funding earmarked for road building. • Bring the railways back into public ownership. • Give local authorities control over and funding for improved bus services. • Ensure £2.5bn a year is invested in new cycleways and footpaths. Buses Urban bus services have dropped by 48% and rural buses by 52% since 2008. Yet they are vital to our communities. Every £1 invested in bus services is estimated to bring an economic return of £4.50. Elected Greens would push for local authority control and proper funding for bus services, to increase these in urban areas, and in rural areas ensure that there is a bus service to every village. We will empower local authorities to run bus services themselves if they see fit and provide a service that meets their community's needs. Cities and sparsely populated rural areas will need different solutions; we need to give them the flexibility and funding. Rail Privatisation of the railways has failed - we have all experienced the decline in the standard of services, strikes and growing dissatisfaction. The railways should be the backbone of a sustainable transport system. Elected Greens will push for: • Investment in a modern, efficient, publicly owned railway, with affordable fares. • Greater investment in more rapid electrification so the rail network can be powered sustainably. • A national strategic approach to identifying those lines and stations which could be re-opened. This should be led by regional and local government to ensure the most benefits. Investing in Fairer, Greener Transport • Train companies to be gradually brought back into public ownership, as existing contracts expire and rolling stock which is currently owned by leasing companies needs replacement. Roads To address the huge and growing contribution that private-vehicle transport makes to our carbon emissions, it's time to shift the transport system away from cars and roads. Green MPs will push to restore the fuel-duty escalator to this end and, as revenue declines, we favour the introduction of road-pricing, designed to ensure the protection of users' privacy. Greens will oppose all new road building plans. Within a decade we want to see all petrol and diesel vehicles replaced by Electric Vehicles (EVs). We would push for an extensive vehicle scrappage scheme to support this rapid transition to EVs, with funding rising to £5bn per year by the end of the parliament, supported by the rapid rollout of EV charging points. EVs have a place in our future transport system but even a wholesale switch would still not deliver on our ambitious plan to make our roads safer and greener. Elected Greens would therefore also push for: • An end to sales of new petrol and diesel fuelled vehicles by 2027 and to the use of petrol and diesel vehicles on the road by 2035. • Making road tax proportional to vehicle weight. • 20 miles per hour to be the default speed limit on roads in all built-up areas, allowing children, the elderly and disabled people to walk and wheel safely. • More government support for ordinary car users and small businesses to replace their vehicles as diesel and petrol engines are phased out. • More support for firms using heavy goods vehicles to transition away from internal Investing in Fairer, Greener Transport combustion engines and make greater use of rail freight. Safe streets and active travel Walking and cycling aren't just good for reducing carbon emissions and air pollution - they help make us all happier and healthier. Elected Greens will: • Push to spend £2.5bn a year on new cycleways and footpaths, built using sustainable materials. • Reimagine how we use streets in residential areas to reduce traffic and open them up for use by the community. • Adopt Active Travel England's objective for 50% of trips in England's towns and cities to be walked, wheeled or cycled by 2030. Aviation Aviation is one of the fastest growing sources of global carbon emissions - and it's the wealthiest driving this trend. The wealthiest people in the UK use more energy flying than the poorest use in every aspect of their lives. Just 1% of the world's population accounts for more than half of the CO2 emissions from passenger air travel. We need to reduce how much we fly, and we need to do it fairly. Green MPs will campaign for: • A frequent-flyer levy to reduce the impact of the 15% of people who take 70% of flights. • A ban on domestic flights for a journey that would take less than three hours by train. • An end to the implicit subsidy for flying that results from kerosene being exempt from fuel duty: the carbon tax would apply to all kerosene for aviation sold in the UK • A halt to any expansion of airport capacity. • Investment in skills so that aviation and airport workers can move into rewarding alternative jobs as the number of flights declines. (In Wales, transport is devolved to the Welsh Government.) A Fairer, Greener Democracy Green MPs will defend our democratic and civil rights from the kinds of attacks of recent years and protect and advance the cornerstones of our democracy such as human rights law and our voting rights. It's clear to us all that the political system is out of date and badly broken. People strongly support more investment in health services, cheaper and more accessible public transport, and the action necessary to protect people and planet. But self-interested corporations and vested interests mean we are not seeing the action we need. The Green Party understands that the climate crisis and the crisis in our democracy are linked. Greens MPs will campaign for a modern, functional, representative democracy and measures to make parliament more representative, particularly of women, people of colour and disabled people. Our priorities will be: • A Fair Politics Act to strengthen our democracy now. • Replacing the House of Lords with an elected second chamber. • Votes for 16-year-olds and residence-based voting rights. • A Constitutional Commission to start a vital national conversation about a new constitutional settlement. Fair Politics Act Elected Greens will introduce a Fair Politics Act to strengthen our democracy now. This legislation would do the following: • Repeal the anti-democratic Elections Act 2022, ending the need to provide voter-ID. • Restore the Electoral Commission's power to prosecute, and abolish the barriers to third- party campaigning so that all groups can be transparently involved in the democratic process. • Replace the first-past-the-post system for parliamentary and council elections with a fair and proportional voting system. • Introduce a fair system of state funding for political parties to eliminate dependence on large private donations. • Remove the cap on fines that can be imposed by the Electoral Commission on political parties that have been found to have breached electoral law. • Strengthen the transparency rules on recording political lobbying. • Make the work of think tanks transparent, including by establishing a distinct legal entity for political foundations which conduct policy research and political education, with a requirement to be transparent about sources of funding. • Give 16 and 17-year-olds the right to vote and to stand for parliament and other elected offices. • Amend the Online Safety Act to protect democracy, and prevent political debate from being manipulated by falsehoods, fakes and half-truths. A Fairer, Greener Democracy Elected Greens will also advocate for ways to make politics more accessible to underrepresented groups including women and disabled people. These could include proposals such as job sharing for MPs and a permanent access to elected office fund to help with the costs of standing for election. Devolution Greens believe in national self-determination. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland should be free to make their own decisions about how much or how little they are part of the United Kingdom. The Scottish people should be free to decide whether they want to remain part of the United Kingdom. Elected Greens at Westminster would support Scotland making decisions for itself. Greens believe all communities should make their own decisions. Local authorities need to be given the powers and the resources to do the things their communities need them to do. Elected Greens would give the Welsh Government the same devolved powers as the Scottish Government in advance of a new constitutional settlement. Elected Greens will support the Senedd if it decides to hold an independence referendum. English local government Elected Greens will ensure that local authorities across England are given the powers and resources they need. They will push for an increase in local government funding of £5bn per year to tackle the current under-funding crisis and enable local authorities to play a key role in the transition to a zero-carbon economy and protecting nature. A Fairer, Greener Democracy Defending your human rights The Green Party is committed to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and the European Court of Human Rights. Elected Greens will: • Defend the Human Rights Act. • Support continued direct access to ECHR rights in the domestic courts. • Restore legal aid for public law cases so everybody can uphold their rights in court. • Protect the right to religious expression. • Scrap the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act, Public Order Act and other legislation that erodes the right to protest and to free expression. The recent rise in Islamophobia and antisemitism highlights the importance of tackling hate crime and opposing divisions in our society. Elected Greens will support the right to religious expression and work with religious communities to defend the safety of places of worship. We will also scrap Prevent. The Green Party supports self-ID, so that trans and non-binary people could be legally recognised in their chosen gender through self-declaration. We also support ending the spousal veto so that married trans people can acquire their gender recognition certification without having to obtain permission from their spouse, and to change the law so an X gender marker can be added to passports for non-binary and intersex people who wish to use it. Sharing a Fairer, Greener Welcome How we treat people who have chosen the UK as their home says a great deal about our values and national character. Greens are proud that we are country forged by migrants and welcome the economic and societal contributions that immigrants and refugees make to British society. We understand that migration is inevitable, and that people have always moved around. We also recognise we all have a collective responsibility for the climate emergency and that the UK has a duty to support people forced to move due to changes in their home environment, whether internally or overseas. Green MPs would advocate for inclusivity and an outward-looking approach to the world. We want to be welcoming, promote social cohesion and support migrants to put down roots. Elected Greens will push for: • An end to the hostile environment. • An end to the minimum income requirements for spouses of those holding work visas. • Safe routes to sanctuary for those fleeing danger, persecution and war. Asylum and protection No one becomes a refugee lightly. People leave their homes, friends and often their family because they are forced to do so through circumstances that are intolerable. The Green Party acknowledges the right to claim asylum, in any country, as set out in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Elected Greens will campaign for a system of asylum and humanitarian protection that treats the applicant fairly, humanely and without discrimination. Elected Greens will push for: • The United Kingdom to work with other countries to establish safe routes by which those fleeing persecution, war, or climate disaster may arrive in the country of their choice to make their case without having to risk their lives. • A fast and fair process to assess asylum applications. • Those seeking asylum and protection to be permitted to work while their application is being decided. Ending the hostile environment The hostile environment approach has not only been found at times to be unlawful, it has caused immense suffering for those who have been caught up in it, including the Windrush generation. Green MPs would campaign to abolish the No Recourse to Public Funds condition that exacerbates social, economic, and racial inequalities. We would also campaign to abolish the ten-year route to settlement which unfairly traps people in poverty and hardship. We believe that migration is not a criminal offence under any circumstances and that there should be an end to immigration detention for all migrants unless they are a danger to public safety. All visa-holding residents should have the right to vote in all elections and referendums. Sharing a Fairer, Greener Welcome Fixing a broken system We will push to dismantle the dysfunctional Home Office and create a new Department of Migration alongside a Department of Justice, thus separating functions around migration and citizenship from the criminal justice system. The system of visa applications should be simplified and all applications should be processed swiftly, and with empathy and intelligence. We would seek the end to the exploitation of people for profit and only charge application fees at cost. Access to the NHS should be free and comprehensive for migrants with visas. Workers, students and families We want to attract the best researchers for our universities, the top talent for our start-ups and to welcome those who come to work in our health and social services, on our farms, and in our offices. Elected Greens will therefore push for migrants, including students, to be allowed to bring members of their family to the UK who would normally live with them in their country of origin, or would do so if it were permitted by law or custom. Elected Greens will push to remove minimum income requirements from all applications including spousal visas, because all British citizens should have the right to reside with their loved ones no matter their income. Migration and climate breakdown People have always moved in search of better lives, but famine and the increasing conflict in the world is driving an increase in involuntary migration. As the climate crisis worsens and the impacts on people in marginalised communities become more severe, more people may be forced to leave their homes. Our proposed significant increase to the overseas aid budget, as well as our policy of supporting lower-income countries to deal with the climate crisis, are vital to ensure people can stay in their home communities, but we will also ensure that those who are forced to leave can do so safely and with dignity, without fear or intimidation. Sharing a Fairer, Greener Welcome Access to Art, Sport and Culture for All Arts, culture and sports are central to people's enjoyment of life, to their mental and physical wellbeing, and to thriving communities. They also make a huge contribution to the UK economy - yet they've been increasingly squeezed out of the national curriculum and subjected to savage government cuts that are putting many cultural institutions - libraries, museums, theatres and local arts centres - at risk. Meanwhile, our media landscape is skewed by the dominance of billionaire and big-tech ownership, with the owners of media companies seeking to maximise profits by irresponsible practices that undermine democracy and promote harmful online content. The Green Party believes we should cherish and support the wellsprings of creativity and wellbeing, and that the media sector urgently needs to be reformed. Elected Greens will push for effective regulation of both traditional and social media, safeguarding our democracy and the spaces for shared cultural expression. They will also protect local media to support local democracy. Elected Greens will: • Invest £5 bn investment in community sports, arts and culture. • Support local grassroots sports clubs, music and art venues. • Implement the 2012 Leveson Report recommendations on cleaning up the media and reinstate the second part of the review. • Introduce a Digital Bill of Rights that establishes the UK as a leading voice on standards for the rule of law and democracy in digital spaces. • Support the right of people in Wales to use the Welsh language in every area of life. Local art, sport and culture Art, sport and culture are important anchors of well-being in communities, and drivers of regeneration and sustainability. Local authorities need to be given the tools to ensure that grassroots participation in art, sport and culture is accessible and thriving. To support local culture and sport, elected Greens will campaign to: • Invest an extra £5bn over 5 years for local government spending on arts and culture to fund keeping local museums, theatres, libraries and art galleries open and thriving. • Protect the night-time economy through a review of planning regulations and giving local authorities the powers to ensure there is space for cultural life. • Exempt cultural events, including everything from theatre and museum tickets to gigs in local pubs, from paying VAT. • Give local authorities discretionary powers to exempt socially and economically essential local enterprises from business rates. • Ensure that musicians have access to visa- free travel to the EU through negotiating a reciprocal arrangement at the earliest possible opportunity. Access to Art, Sport and Culture for All • Protect school playing fields from development through rigorous planning controls. • Allow access to school sports facilities by local clubs and teams outside teaching hours to ensure maximum use of a valuable resource. • Enable local authorities to maintain key sporting infrastructure including pools and playing fields. These need to be used across all sections of the community to ensure sport is inclusive. • Permit local authorities to invest in shares in professional sports clubs which operate in their area as a means of maintaining a connection between the club and its community. Any dividends paid to the authority must be reinvested into public sporting facilities or coaching programmes in the area. • Work cross party to support sports to be more diverse and representative, especially for women and girls and disabled people. Media Elected Greens will push for rules on media to be tightened so that no individual or company owns more than 20% of a media market. We would implement the recommendations of the 2012 Leveson Report and reinstate the second part of that crucial review to ensure the UK media are held to the highest ethical standards. We will support local media through new grants to encourage the growth of a wider range of civic- minded local news publishers. Local newspapers in the UK are an important part of our democracy and civic culture yet many are closing or struggling to survive. Access to Art, Sport and Culture for All Digital rights Elected Greens would push to establish the UK as a leading voice on standards for the rule of law and democracy in digital spaces with a Digital Bill of Rights to ensure independent regulation of social media providers. This legislation will safeguard elections by responding to the challenges of foreign interference, social media and declining confidence in democracy. The Digital Bill of Rights will give the public greater control over their data, ensuring UK data protection is as strong as any other regulatory regime. Given the complexity of this legislation, elected Greens will push for the Bill to be developed through a broad and inclusive public conversation. The rise of AI is transforming many industries and has enormous potential for good, when well regulated. Elected Greens will push for a precautionary regulatory approach to the harms and risk of AI. We would align the UK approach with our neighbours in Europe, UNESCO and global efforts to support a coordinated response to future risks of AI. We will also aim to secure equitable access to any socially and environmentally responsible benefits these technologies can bring, at the same time as addressing any bias, discrimination, equality, liberty or privacy issues arising from the use of AI. We would insist on the protection of the Intellectual Property of artists, writers and musicians and other creators. We would ensure that AI does not erode the value of human creativity and that workers' rights and interests are respected when AI leads to significant changes in working conditions. Bringing Justice to Crime and Policing Everyone has the right to feel safe - on the street, in their home or online. Simple things like more police on the beat and greater support for domestic violence units can make a huge difference. But Greens recognise it's time to do more - so we will tackle structural injustice and transform our policing and justice system. Green MPs will expand restorative justice when crimes do take place, both to give victims a voice and to help offenders take responsibility for the harm they have done. We will focus on the prevention of crime through restoring the funding withdrawn from youth services since 2010 and through community-based policing. We will focus on rehabilitation through investment in the probation and prison services; Greens choose to rebuild people's lives rather than condemning them to a downward cycle of crime and imprisonment. It is a cliché that justice delayed is justice denied, but it is also true. We would invest in criminal justice so that defendants are brought to trial quickly in the interests of both victim and the people accused. Elected Greens will work to: • Restore trust and confidence in the police. • End violence against women and girls. • Repair and renew our court system with a £2.5bn investment. Trust and confidence in the police We believe in policing by consent, but this can only work if the police can rebuild trust with the communities they serve. Police Services need to acknowledge the institutional racism, misogyny, homophobia and disablism that have dominated policing for so long. They must root out any officers who hold views incompatible with serving as a police officer. Many communities, especially Black communities, are disillusioned with the police after experiencing decades of disproportionate policing and traumatising tactics like stop and search and the use of force. Rebuilding trust and confidence and earning the consent of communities to being policed is critical for the future of policing. Police Services should be accountable to elected local government and to the communities where they work. Elected Greens will push for: • An end to the routine use of stop and search and to the use of facial recognition software. • Police Services to deliver ongoing fitness to practice assessments on diversity for all police officers and relevant civilian staff. • Police and Crime Commissioners, and local councillors on police and crime panels, to have open access to the data needed to enable effective scrutiny of operational policing. Restorative justice and a practical approach to prosecution The Green approach to crime is grounded in a restorative approach and a belief that rehabilitation is the best way to reduce future Bringing Justice to Crime and Policing offending. Prison is a demonstrably ineffective way of reducing reoffending: evidence shows that short prison sentences are especially ineffective and lead to higher rates of recidivism. There are some people who need to be imprisoned for reasons of public safety or the seriousness of their offence. For others a restorative approach, forcing criminals to take responsibility for the consequences of their actions, is better for the offender, the victim and society at large. Elected Greens will seek to break the cycle of reoffending through legislating for a presumption against custodial sentences under two years. The Green Party welcomes the greater emphasis on diversion in the criminal justice system. Green MPs will ensure that diversion programmes are in place for: • All low-level drug and alcohol related offences. • Young offenders arrested for low-level offences. End domestic abuse and violence against women and girls The continuing murder, abuse, harassment and denigration of women and girls is a stain on our society. It is a Green Party priority to end domestic abuse and violence against women and girls. Elected Greens will push to: • Make misogyny a hate crime across the UK and increase the police's capacity to deal with domestic violence. • Develop and implement a new UK-wide strategy to tackle gender-based violence, including domestic violence, rape and sexual abuse, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), and trafficking. • Ensure that domestic abuse and gender-based violence is a key measurable priority for all police forces and that all police officers are trained to recognise and tackle domestic violence. Bringing Justice to Crime and Policing • Fund local authorities so that domestic violence, rape crisis and other provision can meet local needs. • Decriminalise sex work. Tackling the court backlog The court system is in chaos and it's letting down victims and the accused, whilst large numbers of prisoners on remand and endless court cancellations create knock-on effects for the prison and probation services too. The Green Party will invest £11bn in restoring the Ministry of Justice budget over the course of the next parliament. This would be used to restore legal aid budgets, to ensure that the Criminal Bar is sufficiently well funded and to repair court buildings. Elected Greens will push to recruit more judges and to ensure that they are representative of wider society. A public health approach to tackling violence Violence is experienced by communities across the country. The evidence supporting a public health approach to reducing violence is compelling. The Green Party supports the use of violence reduction units and the need for them to be a focus on multi-agency working. In Scotland, the introduction of violence reduction units, coordinated with the Scottish Government's control over public services, has delivered a welcome decrease in violence. Elected Greens will push for more local control over public services and more effective joined up working across public services to deliver violence reduction strategies. Communities all over the country experience youth violence in particular. Many of the Green Party's proposals will, over time, reduce the level of violence affecting young people. Elected Greens will also campaign to ensure that: • Local authorities are properly funded to deliver youth services including the youth workers who play a key role in keeping young people safe. • Safeguarding is the priority in encounters between young people and the police. • The use of traumatising tactics like stop and search becomes an exception, not routine. • Children and young people are never strip searched without an appropriate adult present, and only in very exceptional circumstances. • Youth workers rather than police officers work with pupils in schools. Reforming drug laws Elected Greens will push for the establishment of a National Commission to agree an evidence-based approach to reform of the UK's counterproductive drug laws. Neither prohibition nor the policing of low-level drug offences, especially cannabis possession, have reduced use and consequently have had no impact on the size of the criminal market or the profits made by organised crime. Elected Greens will therefore push to decriminalise personal possession of drugs, diverting people from the criminal justice system towards support with addiction, housing and employment, from health workers focused on drug harm reduction This would free up hundreds of thousands of hours of police time, which could instead be invested in tackling other priorities which benefit wider society. Bringing Justice to Crime and Policing Building A Fairer, Greener, Safer World In a world threatened by war and the rise of authoritarian regimes, the Green Party believes that the UK's foreign policy should be based on shared commitments to democracy, peace, global solidarity and the protection of human rights. It has never been more important to support the rule of law, including the international law that underpins our rights and protects against state aggression, genocide and the inhuman treatment of refugees. In a world threatened by climate-driven instability and mass migration, there is an ever-greater need for enlightened leadership and international solidarity. The Green Party wants to see the UK: • Take the lead in upholding the right to self-determination and the enforcement of international law. • Continue to support Ukraine as it resists Russian invasion. • Work towards reform of the European security architecture and disarmament, based on shared commitments to democracy and mutual transparency. • Rejoin and play its full part in the family of nations that is the European Union, as soon as possible Israel and Palestine The Green Party has been calling for an immediate bilateral ceasefire in the war between Israel and Gaza and the return of hostages since mid-October 2023. We condemned the appalling murder of hundreds of Israeli civilians by Hamas on 7 October and for which Hamas should be held to Building A Fairer, Greener, Safer World account, and since then have watched in horror as Israeli forces have committed war crimes that have caused the deaths of tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians. Green MPs will push for: • An immediate and permanent bilateral ceasefire. • A durable political solution that ensures security and equal rights for Israelis and Palestinians. This is the only way to achieve long-term security for the people of Palestine and Israel. • Recognition of the state of Palestine and an urgent international effort to end the illegal occupation of Palestinian land. • Investigation and prosecution of war crimes. We believe there is strong evidence to support South Africa's submission to the International Court of Justice that Israel is guilty of genocide in its conduct in Gaza. • An end to all UK arms exports to and military cooperation with Israel, which make the British government complicit in these war crimes. Climate diplomacy and overseas aid The UK carries a particular responsibility for its high share of historic global emissions and as a former colonial power. In recognition of the importance of supporting countries in the Global South to decarbonise their economies and be resilient to climate impacts, Greens would ensure that the UK's existing climate finance commitments are delivered in full and are genuinely new and additional to aid spending. Elected Greens would push for the UK to: • Go beyond restoring international aid to 0.7% of GNI, raising this to 1% by 2033. • Increase the climate finance budget to 1.5% of GNI by 2033, with an additional contribution to a newly established Loss and Damage Fund in order to help climate vulnerable countries to respond to increasingly severe storms, floods and rising temperatures. • Support a new international law against ecocide and stand with those protecting biodiversity globally, including indigenous peoples. • Enable the people of the Global South to take the lead on how aid is spent, as those with most at stake know best how to solve their problems. In some cases, this may mean direct support to affected populations rather than working through authoritarian or corrupt governments. • Establish a Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry for Truth and Reparatory Justice to address reparations needed to redress global inequalities caused by the trans-Atlantic trafficking of enslaved Africans. • Work within international frameworks and with international partners to remove the burden of debt from the Global South. • Make finance and technology available to support the development of environmentally and socially sustainable economies of low-income countries to tackle the causes and impacts of the climate and nature emergencies. International Trade Green MPs will campaign to end the current practice of parallel judicial systems in trade and investment agreements, which allow companies to sue governments secretly for billions. These mechanisms give too much power to corporations at the expense of democracy, the environment and human rights. Elected Greens will fight to ensure that all new trade agreements: • Respect workers' and consumers' rights. • Meet UK animal protection and environmental standards. Elected Greens will also seek to leverage the United Kingdom's position as a centre of financial services to ensure that this industry plays a key role in financing the transition to an environmentally sustainable carbon-neutral global economy. Britain's future in Europe The Green Party is pro-European, and proudly so. We opposed UK withdrawal from the EU, and believe that Britain would be better off politically, socially, environmentally and economically had we maintained our EU membership. A united international response to global issues is needed now more than ever. Full membership of the EU remains the best option for the UK. Green MPs will work towards: • Re-joining the EU as soon as the domestic political situation is favourable and EU member states are willing. • Joining the Customs Union as a first step towards full EU membership, and a way of resolving many of the worst problems resulting from Brexit. • A speedy return to the free movement of people between the UK and the EU, including reciprocal rights to work for both UK and European citizens. • Rejoining the Erasmus Programme, which enables students to study for a year in another European country. Building A Fairer, Greener, Safer World NATO and nuclear weapons Most of the world's countries do not possess weapons of mass destruction and are safer as a result. Elected Greens will: • Push for the UK to sign the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), and following this to begin immediately the process of dismantling our nuclear weapons, cancelling the Trident programme and removing all foreign nuclear weapons from UK soil. • Work with international partners to enlarge membership of the TPNW and ensure that all states meet their commitments under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Work to support and enhance the work of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) on arms control and the building of mutual trust and confidence. The Green Party recognises that NATO has an important role in ensuring the ability of its member states to respond to threats to their security. We support the principle of international solidarity, whereby nations support one another through mutual defence alliances and multilateral security frameworks. However, that doesn't mean we think NATO is perfect-far from it. We will work within NATO for a greater focus on outreach and dialogue to support global peacebuilding, based on democratic and inclusive values. We want to see crucial reforms to the way NATO operates, that include: • First and foremost a commitment to a 'No First Use' of nuclear weapons. • Diplomacy and practical co-operation must always take precedence over military action. We want to see much greater emphasis on the alliance's efforts to encourage dialogue to support global peace-building. • NATO must act solely in defence of member states. Building A Fairer, Greener, Safer World Statistical Appendix These are our best estimates of what needs to be added to total public expenditure in the next spending review to fund the policies set out in this Manifesto. The estimates are for the five years starting on 1st April 2025. The baseline for this forecast is the OBR March 2024 projection. Year ended 31 March 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 £bn £bn £bn £bn £bn Revenue spending Health and social care 30.7 35.4 40.6 46.4 52.9 Income support 17.6 23.0 25.1 27.2 29.4 Nature, food and farming 3.6 4.2 4.5 4.5 4.5 Education 13.9 13.4 12.9 13.2 13.6 Transport 5.7 10.5 10.8 11.9 14.6 Overseas aid 8.3 12.2 16.1 20.1 24.0 Other (1) 19.4 21.2 21.3 21.7 22.6 99.2 119.8 131.4 145.1 161.6 Capital spending Health and education 9.2 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 Green economic transformation 9.9 19.1 46.7 56.7 72.6 Social housing 2.2 4.6 5.8 10.5 18.1 Other (2) 7.0 16.5 6.7 6.8 6.9 Savings (3) -5.6 -6.8 -9.2 -11.6 -13.9 22.8 40.0 56.6 69.0 90.3 Taxation Taxes on personal income and wealth 28.5 65.3 68.9 71.9 72.9 Business taxes 7.0 9.1 9.5 9.6 8.2 Carbon taxes 1.2 40.6 57.0 69.7 91.3 36.7 115.1 135.4 151.2 172.4 Deficit - funded by additional debt 85.3 44.7 52.6 62.9 79.5 Notes 1. Includes debt interest and increased spending in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland on devolved function.. 2. 2027 includes £10bn funding for regional banks. 3. Includes savings from cancellation of Trident replacement and reduction in road building. 4. These estimates are part of a 10-year programme. What is achievable in the first five years may be constrained by inflation risks and supply-side shortages. Statistical Appendix Notes Notes 46 47 Vote Hope. Vote Change. Vote Green. The Green Party has been going from strength to strength. We find that when you tell the truth, aim high, and offer hope, voters respond. We are now represented on 170 councils nationwide and part of the administration on 42 councils. We have increased our number of councillors fivefold in the past five years. They are using the power given to them by your vote to build fairer, greener communities. In this election we are aiming high: we are standing in more seats than ever before and we are aiming to win more votes than ever before and to significantly increase our number of MPs'. We need those MPs to keep climate at the top of government agenda, to resist further privatisation of public services, to make sure that the country sees the investment that we need to mend so much that is broken. Now, it's over to you. You can choose a fairer future for us all. Vote for real hope and real change. Vote Green. Vote Hope. Vote Change. Vote Green. Promoted by Chris Williams on behalf of The Green Party,both at PO Box 78066, London SE16 9GQ. Printed by FOX Managed Solutions Limited, 3 Chapman Way, High Brooms, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN2 3EF.