VARD > Version History

This page will track all released versions of the VARD 2 software; detailing bug fixes, changes made and functionality added. The user guide provides details of the current version's functions and how to use the software.

Current Version


A minor update with one bug fix:

Please see details of version 2.5.3 and lower, below, for information about the many changes since 2.4. The User Guide has been updated to reflect the latest changes.

Previous Versions


A minor update with a few bug fixes.


A minor update to solve a few bugs and add some functionality to the automatic training method.


A minor update, but one which includes a new method for manually normalising a randomly selected sample of your corpus in order to train VARD. There have also been various minor bug fixes.


A major update which adds several new functions and generally improves the user interface.

Around 50% of the code base for VARD has been completely rewritten during this update. Inevitably with such a large amount of new code, some bugs may have been missed. If you spot any bugs, no matter how minor, please let me know so they can be rectified.

Some of the many changes in 2.5 are as follows:


A minor update to address three issues:


A minor update to address two issues:


2.4 is a relatively small update, with mainly new user interface features added. Changes include:


2.3 is the largest update of VARD to date, there are vast improvements in performance, especially in terms of training capability, reliability and functionality. Changes made include:


2.2 is a major upgrade to VARD, offering many improvements and new features, including:


A small update to fix a couple of bugs. Firstly, when the Batch Version outputs texts, the folder structure of the original files is retained. A bug has also been fixed where manually editing the output folder would cause a system error. Secondly, a bug where closing xml tags were being processed by VARD has been fixed. Reading existing xml files can still cause problems, it is hoped that this will be rectified in version 2.1.3.


A minor update to allow the software to be used on other platforms. Use "vard-windows-run.bat" on Windows and "vard-run.command" on other platforms. Java 1.5.0 should also now be sufficient to run VARD 2.


The first version publicly released (on this website) in order to gain user feedback for the evaluation section of my PhD.

This version has greatly improved processing speed and stability.

2.0.0 - 2.0.9

A series of non-publicly released versions produced during an undergraduate project and the first year of my PhD.


The original version of VARD was non-interactive and only used a known variants list to search for and replace variants found within a text.