|  | vi |
Bas Aarts, Evelien Keizer, Mariangela Spinillo & Sean Wallis:
Which or what? A study of interrogative determiners in present-day English
|  | 1 |
Anne Abeillé, Lionel Clément, Alexandra Kinyon & François Toussenel:
The TALANA annotated corpus for French : some experimental results
|  | 2 |
Annelie Ädel: On the search for metadiscourse units
|  | 3 |
Karin Aijmer: Discourse particles in contrast
|  | 13 |
Takanobu Akiyama: John is a man of (good) vision: enrichment with evaluative meanings
|  | 14 |
Jean-Yves Antoine & Jérôme Goulian:
Word order variations and spoken man-machine dialogue in French :
a corpus analysis on the ATIS domain
|  | 22 |
Dawn Archer and Jonathan Culpeper:
Sociopragmatic annotation: New directions and possibilities in
Historical Corpus Linguistics
|  | 30 |
Eric Atwell & John Elliott: A Corpus for Interstellar Communication
|  | 31 |
Manuel Barbera: From EAGLES to CT tagging: a case for re-usability of resources
|  | 40 |
Margareta Westergren Axelsson & Angela Hahn:
The use of the progressive in Swedish and German advanced learner English:
a corpus-based study
|  | 45 |
Anja Belz: Optimisation of corpus-derived probabilistic grammars
|  | 46 |
Ylva Berglund & Oliver Mason:
"But this formula doesn't mean anything!"
|  | 58 |
Roumiana Blagoeva: Comparing cohesive devices: a corpus based analysis of
conjunctions in writen and spoken learner discourse
|  | 59 |
Hans Boas:
Frame Semantics as a framework for describing polysemy and syntactic structures of
English and German motion verbs in contrastive computational lexicography
|  | 64 |
Rhonwen Bowen: Nouns and Their Prepositional Phrase Complements in English
|  | 74 |
Ted Briscoe: From dictionary to corpus to self organising dictionary:
Learning valency associations in the face of variation and change
|  | 79 |
Estelle Campione & Jean Véronis:
Semi-automatic tagging of intonation in French spoken corpora
|  | 90 |
Pascual Cantos-Gomez: An attempt to improve current
collocation analysis
|  | 100 |
Roldano Cattoni, Morena Danieli, Andrea Panizza, Vanessa Sandrini & Claudia Soria:
Building a corpus of annotated dialogues: the ADAM experience
|  | 109 |
Frantisek Cermák, Jana Klimová, Karel Pala, Vladimir Petkevic:
The Design of Czech Lexical Database
|  | 119 |
Ngoni Chipere, David Malvern, Brian Richards & Pilar Duran:
Using a corpus of school children's writing to investigate the development of
vocabulary diversity
|  | 126 |
Claudia Claridge: Approaching Irony in Corpora
|  | 134 |
Niladri Sekhar Dash and Bidyut Baran Chaudhuri:
Corpus based Empirical Analysis of Form, Function and Frequency of Characters
used in Bangla
|  | 144 |
Liesbeth Degand & Henk Pander Maat:
Contrasting causal connectives on the Speaker Involvement Scale
|  | 158 |
Anne Le Draoulec & Marie-Paule Péry-Woodley:
Corpus based identification of temporal organisation in discourse
|  | 159 |
Stefan Evert & Anke Lüdeling:
Measuring morphological productivity: Is automatic preprocessing sufficient?
|  | 167 |
Cécile Fabre & Didier Bourigault: Linguistic clues for corpus-based
acquisition of lexical dependencies
|  | 176 |
Richard Foley: Going out in style? Shall in EU legal English
|  | 185 |
Anna-Lena Fredriksson: Translating passives in English and Swedish: a text-linguistic perspective
|  | 196 |
Cécile Frérot, Géraldine Rigou & Annik Lacombe:
Phraseological approach to automatic terminology extraction from a bilingual aligned
scientific corpus
|  | 204 |
Robert Gaizauskas, Jonathan Foster, Yorick Wilks, John Arundel, Paul Clough, Scott Piao:
The METER Corpus: A corpus for analysing journalistic text reuse
|  | 214 |
Hatem Ghorbel, Afzal Ballim, & Giovanni Coray:
ROSETTA: Rhetorical and semantic environment for text alignment
|  | 224 |
Solveig Granath: Is that a fact? A corpus study of the syntax and
semantics of the fact that
|  | 234 |
Benoît Habert, Natalia Grabar, Pierre Jacquemart, Pierre Zweigenbaum:
Building a text corpus for representing the variety of medical language
|  | 245 |
Eva Hajicova & Petr Sgall:
A reusable corpus needs syntactic annotations: Prague Dependency Treebank
|  | 255 |
David Hardcastle: Using the BNC to produce dialectic cryptic crossword clues
|  | 256 |
Daniel Hardt: Comma Checking in Danish
|  | 266 |
Raymond Hickey: Tracking lexical change in present-day English
|  | 272 |
Diana Hudson-Ettle, Tore Nilsson & Sabine Reich:
Orality and noun phrase complexity: a corpus-based study of British and
Kenyan writing in English
|  | 273 |
Nancy Ide & Catherine Macleod:
The American National Corpus: A Standardized Resource for American English
|  | 274 |
Reiko Ikeo: The Positions of the Reporting Clauses of Speech Presentation with
Special Reference to the Lancaster Speech, Thought and Writing Presentation Corpus
|  | 281 |
Wang JianDe, Chen ZhaoXiong & Huang HeYan:
Multiple-Level Knowledge Discovery from Corpus
|  | 289 |
Yu Jiangsheng & Duan Huiming: POS Estimation of Undefined Chinese Words
|  | 290 |
Steven Jones: Corpus Approaches to Antonymy
|  | 297 |
Beom-mo Kang & Hung-gyu Kim: Variation across Korean Text Registers
|  | 311 |
Przemyslaw Kaszubski:
Tracing idiomaticity in learner language - the case of BE.
|  | 312 |
Yuliya Katsnelson & Charles Nicholas:
Identifying Parallel Corpora Using Latent Semantic Indexing
|  | 323 |
Hannah Kermes & Stefan Evert:
Exploiting large corpora: A circular process of partial syntactic analysis,
corpus query and extraction of lexicographic information
|  | 332 |
Shereen Khoja, Roger Garside & Gerry Knowles:
A Tagset for the Morphosyntactic Tagging of Arabic
|  | 341 |
Adam Kilgarriff: Web as corpus
|  | 342 |
Dimitrios Kokkinakis: A Long-Standing Problem in Corpus-Based
Lexicography and a Proposal for a Viable Solution
|  | 345 |
Julia Lavid:
Using bilingual corpora for the construction of contrastive generation grammars:
issues and problems
|  | 356 |
Maarten Lemmens: Tracing referent location in oral picture descriptions
|  | 367 |
Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Michael Oakes & Paul Rayson:
Annotated Corpora for Assistance with English-Polish Translation
|  | 368 |
Juana Marín-Arrese, Elena Martinez-Caro & Soledad Pérez de Ayala Becerril:
A corpus study of impersonalization strategies in newspaper discourse in English & Spanish
|  | 369 |
Mikhail Mikhailov & Miia Villikka:
Is there such a thing as a translator's style?
|  | 378 |
Hermann Moisl & Joan Beal: Corpus analysis and results visualisation
using self-organizing maps
|  | 386 |
Martina Möllering:
Pragmatic and discursive aspects of German modal particles: a corpus-based approach
|  | 392 |
Rachel Muntz: Evidence of Australian cultural identity through the analysis of
Australian and British corpora
|  | 393 |
P-O Nilsson:
Investigating characteristic lexical distributions and grammatical patterning in
Swedish texts translated from English
|  | 400 |
Julien Nioche & Benoît Habert:
Using feature structures as a unifying representation format for corpora exploration
|  | 401 |
Matthew Brook O'Donnell, Stanley E. Porter & Jeffrey T. Reed: the problems and prospects of working with ancient discourse
|  | 413 |
Maeve Olohan: Spelling out the Optionals in Translation: A Corpus Study
|  | 423 |
Constantin Orasan: Patterns in scientific abstracts
|  | 433 |
Gabriella Kiss and Júlia Pajzs:
An attempt to develop a lemmatiser for the Historical Corpus of Hungarian
|  | 443 |
Byungsun Park & Beom-mo Kang: Korean grammatical collocation of
predicates and arguments
|  | 452 |
Anselmo Peñas, Felisa Verdejo & Julio Gonzalo:
Corpus-Based Terminology Extraction Applied to Information Access
|  | 458 |
Scott Songlin Piao & Tony McEnery:
Multi-word unit alignment in English-Chinese parallel corpora
|  | 466 |
Katja Ploog: Syntactic change in abidjanee French
|  | 476 |
Sylvie Porhiel: Linguistic expressions as a tool to extract information
|  | 477 |
Stanley E. Porter & Matthew Brook O'Donnell:
Theoretical Issues for Corpus Linguistics Raised by the Study of Ancient Languages
|  | 483 |
Helena Raumolin-Brunberg: Temporal aspects of language change:
what can we learn from the CEEC?
|  | 484 |
Andrea Reményi: Use logbooks and find the original meaning of
|  | 485 |
Antoinette Renouf: The Web as a Source of Linguistic Information
|  | 492 |
Jérôme Richalot: The influence of the passive on text cohesion and technical terminology
|  | 493 |
Rema Rossini Favretti, Fabio Tamburini & Cristiana De Santis :
CORIS/CODIS: A corpus of written Italian based on a defined and a dynamic model
|  | 512 |
Hans-Jörg Schmid: Do women and men really live in different cultures?
Evidence from the BNC
|  | 513 |
Josef Schmied: Exploring the Chemnitz Internet Grammar:
Examples of student use
|  | 514 |
Mark Sebba & Susan Dray:
Is it Creole, is it English, is it valid? Developing and using a corpus of unstandardised
written language
|  | 522 |
Mirjam Sepesy Maucec & Zdravko Kacic:
Language Model Adaptation For Highly-Inflected Slovenian Language In Comparison
To English Language
|  | 523 |
Noëlle Serpollet: The mandative subjunctive in British English seems
to be alive and kicking… Is this due to the influence of American English?
|  | 531 |
Serge Sharoff: Through the looking glass of parallel texts
|  | 543 |
Kiril Simov, Zdravko Peev, Milen Kouylekov, Alexander Simov, Marin Dimitrov, Atanas Kiryakov:
CLaRK - an XML based system for corpora development
|  | 553 |
Kiril Simov, Gergana Popova & Petya Osenova: HPSG-based syntactic
TreeBank of Bulgarian (BulTreeBank)
|  | 561 |
Simon Smith & Martin Russell:
Determining query types for information access
|  | 562 |
Josef Szakos & Amy Wang:
Not last, even if least: Endangered Formosan aboriginal languages and the corpus revolution
|  | 571 |
Elke Teich & Silvia Hansen:
Methods and techniques for a multi-level analysis of multilingual corpora
|  | 572 |
Dan Tufis & Ana-Maria Barbu: Accurate automatic extraction of translation
equivalents from parallel corpora
|  | 581 |
Tamás Váradi: The Linguistic Relevance of Corpus Linguistics
|  | 587 |
Serge Verlinde & Thierry Selva:
Corpus-based vs intuition-based lexicography. Defining a word list
for a French learner's dictionary
|  | 594 |
Jean Véronis: Sense tagging: does it make sense ?
|  | 599 |
Adriana Vlad, Adrian Mitrea, & Mihai Mitrea: A Corpus-Based Analysis of How Accurately Printed Romanian Obeys to Some Universal Laws
|  | 600 |
Martin Volk: Exploiting the WWW as a corpus to resolve PP attachment ambiguities
|  | 601 |
Martin Weisser: A corpus-based methodology for comparing and
evaluating different accents
|  | 607 |
Anne Wichmann & Richard Cauldwell:
Wh-Questions and attitude: the effect of context
|  | 614 |
Kay Wikberg: His breath a thin winter-whistle in his throat:
English metaphors and their translation into Scandinavian languages
|  | 615 |
Karen Wu Rongquan: Public Discourse as the mirror of ideological change:
A keyword study of editorials in People's Daily
|  | 616 |
Richard Xiao Zhonghua: A Corpus-Based Study of Interaction Between
Chinese Perfective -le and Situation Types
|  | 625 |