APPGE | possessive pronoun, pre-nominal (e.g. my, your, our) |
AT | article (e.g. the, no) |
AT1 | singular article (e.g. a, an, every) |
BCL | before-clause marker (e.g. in order (that),in order (to)) |
CC | coordinating conjunction (e.g. and, or) |
CCB | adversative coordinating conjunction ( but) |
CS | subordinating conjunction (e.g. if, because, unless, so, for) |
CSA | as (as conjunction) |
CSN | than (as conjunction) |
CST | that (as conjunction) |
CSW | whether (as conjunction) |
DA | after-determiner or post-determiner capable of pronominal function (e.g. such, former, same) |
DA1 | singular after-determiner (e.g. little, much) |
DA2 | plural after-determiner (e.g. few, several, many) |
DAR | comparative after-determiner (e.g. more, less, fewer) |
DAT | superlative after-determiner (e.g. most, least, fewest) |
DB | before determiner or pre-determiner capable of pronominal function (all, half) |
DB2 | plural before-determiner ( both) |
DD | determiner (capable of pronominal function) (e.g any, some) |
DD1 | singular determiner (e.g. this, that, another) |
DD2 | plural determiner ( these,those) |
DDQ | wh-determiner (which, what) |
DDQGE | wh-determiner, genitive (whose) |
DDQV | wh-ever determiner, (whichever, whatever) |
EX | existential there |
FO | formula |
FU | unclassified word |
FW | foreign word |
GE | germanic genitive marker - (' or's) |
IF | for (as preposition) |
II | general preposition |
IO | of (as preposition) |
IW | with, without (as prepositions) |
JJ | general adjective |
JJR | general comparative adjective (e.g. older, better, stronger) |
JJT | general superlative adjective (e.g. oldest, best, strongest) |
JK | catenative adjective (able in be able to, willing in be willing to) |
MC | cardinal number,neutral for number (two, three..) |
MC1 | singular cardinal number (one) |
MC2 | plural cardinal number (e.g. sixes, sevens) |
MCGE | genitive cardinal number, neutral for number (two's, 100's) |
MCMC | hyphenated number (40-50, 1770-1827) |
MD | ordinal number (e.g. first, second, next, last) |
MF | fraction,neutral for number (e.g. quarters, two-thirds) |
ND1 | singular noun of direction (e.g. north, southeast) |
NN | common noun, neutral for number (e.g. sheep, cod, headquarters) |
NN1 | singular common noun (e.g. book, girl) |
NN2 | plural common noun (e.g. books, girls) |
NNA | following noun of title (e.g. M.A.) |
NNB | preceding noun of title (e.g. Mr., Prof.) |
NNL1 | singular locative noun (e.g. Island, Street) |
NNL2 | plural locative noun (e.g. Islands, Streets) |
NNO | numeral noun, neutral for number (e.g. dozen, hundred) |
NNO2 | numeral noun, plural (e.g. hundreds, thousands) |
NNT1 | temporal noun, singular (e.g. day, week, year) |
NNT2 | temporal noun, plural (e.g. days, weeks, years) |
NNU | unit of measurement, neutral for number (e.g. in, cc) |
NNU1 | singular unit of measurement (e.g. inch, centimetre) |
NNU2 | plural unit of measurement (e.g. ins., feet) |
NP | proper noun, neutral for number (e.g. IBM, Andes) |
NP1 | singular proper noun (e.g. London, Jane, Frederick) |
NP2 | plural proper noun (e.g. Browns, Reagans, Koreas) |
NPD1 | singular weekday noun (e.g. Sunday) |
NPD2 | plural weekday noun (e.g. Sundays) |
NPM1 | singular month noun (e.g. October) |
NPM2 | plural month noun (e.g. Octobers) |
PN | indefinite pronoun, neutral for number (none) |
PN1 | indefinite pronoun, singular (e.g. anyone, everything, nobody, one) |
PNQO | objective wh-pronoun (whom) |
PNQS | subjective wh-pronoun (who) |
PNQV | wh-ever pronoun (whoever) |
PNX1 | reflexive indefinite pronoun (oneself) |
PPGE | nominal possessive personal pronoun (e.g. mine, yours) |
PPH1 | 3rd person sing. neuter personal pronoun (it) |
PPHO1 | 3rd person sing. objective personal pronoun (him, her) |
PPHO2 | 3rd person plural objective personal pronoun (them) |
PPHS1 | 3rd person sing. subjective personal pronoun (he, she) |
PPHS2 | 3rd person plural subjective personal pronoun (they) |
PPIO1 | 1st person sing. objective personal pronoun (me) |
PPIO2 | 1st person plural objective personal pronoun (us) |
PPIS1 | 1st person sing. subjective personal pronoun (I) |
PPIS2 | 1st person plural subjective personal pronoun (we) |
PPX1 | singular reflexive personal pronoun (e.g. yourself, itself) |
PPX2 | plural reflexive personal pronoun (e.g. yourselves, themselves) |
PPY | 2nd person personal pronoun (you) |
RA | adverb, after nominal head (e.g. else, galore) |
REX | adverb introducing appositional constructions (namely, e.g.) |
RG | degree adverb (very, so, too) |
RGQ | wh- degree adverb (how) |
RGQV | wh-ever degree adverb (however) |
RGR | comparative degree adverb (more, less) |
RGT | superlative degree adverb (most, least) |
RL | locative adverb (e.g. alongside, forward) |
RP | prep. adverb, particle (e.g about, in) |
RPK | prep. adv., catenative (about in be about to) |
RR | general adverb |
RRQ | wh- general adverb (where, when, why, how) |
RRQV | wh-ever general adverb (wherever, whenever) |
RRR | comparative general adverb (e.g. better, longer) |
RRT | superlative general adverb (e.g. best, longest) |
RT | quasi-nominal adverb of time (e.g. now, tomorrow) |
TO | infinitive marker (to) |
UH | interjection (e.g. oh, yes, um) |
VB0 | be, base form (finite i.e. imperative, subjunctive) |
VBDR | were |
VBDZ | was |
VBG | being |
VBI | be, infinitive (To be or not... It will be ..) |
VBM | am |
VBN | been |
VBR | are |
VBZ | is |
VD0 | do, base form (finite) |
VDD | did |
VDG | doing |
VDI | do, infinitive (I may do... To do...) |
VDN | done |
VDZ | does |
VH0 | have, base form (finite) |
VHD | had (past tense) |
VHG | having |
VHI | have, infinitive |
VHN | had (past participle) |
VHZ | has |
VM | modal auxiliary (can, will, would, etc.) |
VMK | modal catenative (ought, used) |
VV0 | base form of lexical verb (e.g. give, work) |
VVD | past tense of lexical verb (e.g. gave, worked) |
VVG | -ing participle of lexical verb (e.g. giving, working) |
VVGK | -ing participle catenative (going in be going to) |
VVI | infinitive (e.g. to give... It will work...) |
VVN | past participle of lexical verb (e.g. given, worked) |
VVNK | past participle catenative (e.g. bound in be bound to) |
VVZ | -s form of lexical verb (e.g. gives, works) |
XX | not, n't |
YEX | punctuation tag - exclamation mark |
YQUO | punctuation tag - quotes |
YBL | punctuation tag - left bracket |
YBR | punctuation tag - right bracket |
YCOM | punctuation tag - comma |
YDSH | punctuation tag - dash |
YSTP | punctuation tag - full-stop |
YLIP | punctuation tag - ellipsis |
YCOL | punctuation tag - colon |
YSCOL | punctuation tag - semicolon |
YQUE | punctuation tag - question mark |
ZZ1 | singular letter of the alphabet (e.g. A,b) |
ZZ2 | plural letter of the alphabet (e.g. A's, b's) |
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