AJ0 | adjective (unmarked) (e.g. GOOD, OLD) |
AJC | comparative adjective (e.g. BETTER, OLDER) |
AJS | superlative adjective (e.g. BEST, OLDEST) |
AT0 | article (e.g. THE, A, AN) |
AV0 | adverb (unmarked) (e.g. OFTEN, WELL, LONGER, FURTHEST) |
AVP | adverb particle (e.g. UP, OFF, OUT) |
AVQ | wh-adverb (e.g. WHEN, HOW, WHY) |
CJC | coordinating conjunction (e.g. AND, OR) |
CJS | subordinating conjunction (e.g. ALTHOUGH, WHEN) |
CJT | the conjunction THAT |
CRD | cardinal numeral (e.g. 3, FIFTY-FIVE, 6609) (excl ONE) |
DPS | possessive determiner form (e.g. YOUR, THEIR) |
DT0 | general determiner (e.g. THESE, SOME) |
DTQ | wh-determiner (e.g. WHOSE, WHICH) |
EX0 | existential THERE |
ITJ | interjection or other isolate (e.g. OH, YES, MHM) |
NN0 | noun (neutral for number) (e.g. AIRCRAFT, DATA) |
NN1 | singular noun (e.g. PENCIL, GOOSE) |
NN2 | plural noun (e.g. PENCILS, GEESE) |
NP0 | proper noun (e.g. LONDON, MICHAEL, MARS) |
NULL | the null tag (for items not to be tagged) |
ORD | ordinal (e.g. SIXTH, 77TH, LAST) |
PNI | indefinite pronoun (e.g. NONE, EVERYTHING) |
PNP | personal pronoun (e.g. YOU, THEM, OURS) |
PNQ | wh-pronoun (e.g. WHO, WHOEVER) |
PNX | reflexive pronoun (e.g. ITSELF, OURSELVES) |
POS | the possessive (or genitive morpheme) 'S or ' |
PRF | the preposition OF |
PRP | preposition (except for OF) (e.g. FOR, ABOVE, TO) |
PUL | punctuation - left bracket (i.e. ( or [ ) |
PUN | punctuation - general mark (i.e. . ! , : ; - ? ... ) |
PUQ | punctuation - quotation mark (i.e. ` ' " ) |
PUR | punctuation - right bracket (i.e. ) or ] ) |
TO0 | infinitive marker TO |
UNC | "unclassified" items which are not words of the English lexicon |
VBB | the "base forms" of the verb "BE" (except the infinitive), i.e. AM, ARE |
VBD | past form of the verb "BE", i.e. WAS, WERE |
VBG | -ing form of the verb "BE", i.e. BEING |
VBI | infinitive of the verb "BE" |
VBN | past participle of the verb "BE", i.e. BEEN |
VBZ | -s form of the verb "BE", i.e. IS, 'S |
VDB | base form of the verb "DO" (except the infinitive), i.e. |
VDD | past form of the verb "DO", i.e. DID |
VDG | -ing form of the verb "DO", i.e. DOING |
VDI | infinitive of the verb "DO" |
VDN | past participle of the verb "DO", i.e. DONE |
VDZ | -s form of the verb "DO", i.e. DOES |
VHB | base form of the verb "HAVE" (except the infinitive), i.e. HAVE |
VHD | past tense form of the verb "HAVE", i.e. HAD, 'D |
VHG | -ing form of the verb "HAVE", i.e. HAVING |
VHI | infinitive of the verb "HAVE" |
VHN | past participle of the verb "HAVE", i.e. HAD |
VHZ | -s form of the verb "HAVE", i.e. HAS, 'S |
VM0 | modal auxiliary verb (e.g. CAN, COULD, WILL, 'LL) |
VVB | base form of lexical verb (except the infinitive)(e.g. TAKE, LIVE) |
VVD | past tense form of lexical verb (e.g. TOOK, LIVED) |
VVG | -ing form of lexical verb (e.g. TAKING, LIVING) |
VVI | infinitive of lexical verb |
VVN | past participle form of lex. verb (e.g. TAKEN, LIVED) |
VVZ | -s form of lexical verb (e.g. TAKES, LIVES) |
XX0 | the negative NOT or N'T |
ZZ0 | alphabetical symbol (e.g. A, B, c, d) |
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