Lancaster University (UK), 28 - 31 March 2003

Conference registration (now open)

To register, you may either:

1. Print out and send this form by surface mail to:

		Paul Rayson,
		Department of Computing,
		Lancaster University,
		Lancaster LA1 4YR 
		United Kingdom

2. Or fax it to: +44 - 1524 - 593608

3. Or email it to:

Please register BEFORE 13th February 2003, otherwise we cannot guarantee availability of accommodation. At least one author for each paper and poster should register for the conference.

Due to notification deadlines for the Figurative Language and Multilingual Corpora workshops, authors in these two workshops must register by Monday March 10th. The 13th February deadline still applies to those who have papers in the main conference as well.

The (residential) fee for CL2003 includes the following:

The non-residential fee includes the above apart from all accommodation and breakfasts. Accommodation is provided in single study bedrooms on the Lancaster University main campus. Those paying the full rate will be accommodated in en suite rooms. Those paying reduced rates will be accommodated in rooms with shared bathroom facilities. We plan to produce conference proceedings as hardcopy and electronic form (on CD Rom). The CL2003 CD Rom will include electronic proceedings of CL2001. The CL2003 proceedings includes papers from the Learner Corpora workshop, but not the three other workshops. Extra days (accommodation and breakfast) are available to extend your stay before or after the conference, see below.

Payment Details:

You must send payment at the same time as the registration form. Fees are payable in Pounds Sterling or US Dollars. Please make cheques payable to 'Lancaster University'. Sterling money orders can also be used for payment, and must be made payable to 'Lancaster University'. US Dollar cheques are also acceptable, using a fixed exchange rate of 1.6 $US to the Pound. We can accept credit card payments on VISA or Mastercard. Direct bank transfer is also possible. Please email us for details.

Family name:
First name:
Attendance at CL2003 [Not available] Residential £360.00
[Not available] Student residential £320.00
[ ] Non-Residential £280.00
NOTE: Students must provide written evidence of their full time student status, such as an official headed letter from their supervisor.
Proceedings: [ ] Hardcopy (2 volumes) £45
[ ] CD Rom £10
[ ] Hardcopy (2 volumes) and CD Rom £55
Workshops: [Not available] Attendance at preconference conferences and workshops, including en-suite accommodation on the night of 27th March, lunch and dinner on the 27th and breakfast on 28th: £90.00
[Not available] Attendance at preconference conferences and workshops, including student accommodation on the night of 27th March, lunch and dinner on the 27th and breakfast on 28th: £80.00
[ ] Attendance at preconference conferences and workshops, excluding accommodation on the night of 27th March, but including lunch and dinner on the 27th: £70.00
1. Figurative Language [ ]
2. Learner Corpora [ ]
3. Multilingual Corpora [ ]
4. SProLaC 2003 [ ]
Extra days: [Not available] En-suite accommodation on the night of 27th March, breakfast on 28th: £50.00
[Not available] Student accommodation on the night of 27th March, breakfast on 28th: £45.00
[Not available] Further extra-day (e.g. 26th March or 1st April) accommodation and breakfast at these rates (please indicate type: ensuite/student and date(s)):
Special dietary requirements:
None [ ] Vegetarian [ ] Vegan [ ] Other (Please specify) [ ]
Any other comments: (for example, indicate here if you need a letter of invitation)

Payment method (for VISA/Mastercard please show the name on the card, card number and expiry date)