A corpus linguistic approach to newsworthiness - Towards a new methodological framework for analyzing news discourse in Critical Discourse Analysis and beyond

Monika Bednarek

University of Sydney

In this paper I will introduce a new framework for the analysis of news discourse, which emphasises the importance of news values for linguistic analysis and encourages a constructivist approach to their analysis. This framework is situated within what Bednarek & Caple (2012a, b) call a 'discursive' approach to news values. From this perspective, the primary research interest is in how texts construct newsworthiness. The framework itself is intended for both multimodal discourse analysis and corpus linguistic analysis, although in this paper I will focus on the integration of corpus linguistic methods. The guiding question is: how can corpus techniques help us to identify the linguistic construction of newsworthiness in a given text or corpus?

Week 6 2013/2014

Wednesday 13th November 2013


Please note the seminar for Week 6 is on Wednesday